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Thread: Stones

  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default Stones

    I received my new 5K today. looks good. I have a razor coming in a day or to so i'll get to try it out on it. all my hones now are naniwa. 1K 3/5/8/12/20K. I will be interesting to see how that progression works. I'm now looking for a wooden box the size of the hones to store them in. My wife says that I'm obsessive compulsive. I'm really not Heck I can't be I don't even know what it means.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member DireStraights's Avatar
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    Sounds like you have a good set up.

    I prefer natural stones, but for efficiency yours most likely would be hard to beat

  3. #3
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I went with the naniwa hones as suggested by a friend. there not only good hones but easier to use and for me I really need things to be as simple as possible. this all brings up a question when they are natural stones then there honing stones and if there man made there just hones or am I getting to complicated .

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    They are both hones but one is cut from a piece of rock.

    Okay maybe I should have said a piece cut from rock :<0)

    You filled that gap nicely by the way. I like matching sets of things and my 1 Nani has served me well. I also like to mix things up once in awhile.
    Last edited by 10Pups; 01-13-2015 at 02:48 AM.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    I went with the naniwa hones as suggested by a friend. there not only good hones but easier to use and for me I really need things to be as simple as possible. this all brings up a question when they are natural stones then there honing stones and if there man made there just hones or am I getting to complicated .
    Natural stones and synthetic stones (or man made) they are all hones.

  6. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    To the best of my knowledge, Naniwa does not make a 20k. I assume you have the Suehiro Gokumyo 20k.

    Oh, and tell you wife if you were OCD you would also have the 220, the 400 (both SuperStone and Chosera), the 600, the 800, both 1k versions, the 2k, and the 10k!

    Make sure you get a bigger box than what will hold your current complement of hones. You still need the 600 and the 2k!

    And a few naturals!

    And a couple diamond plates!

    How about a couple barber hones!

    Get two boxes.

    OK, back to reality. Even though Lynn says with the Naniwa (I'll assume SuperStones) you can go 1,3,8,12k or 1,5,8,12k, (and I completely agree) I personally prefer 1,2,5,8,12k because I really want to cut down the stria of the 1k hone with the 2k hone. Now, I actually do go 1,2,3,5,8,10,12k but I know the 3 and 10k are by far the most redundant, so that is my own OCD. Among the two progressions Lynn recommends, I prefer the 1,3,8,12k for the same reason I already suggested--I want to do the best I can to cut down the stria of the 1k.

    Adding the 5k after the 3k will do little to improve your progression to the 8k, but it will make you feel better now that you have it!

    I highly recommend that you do the patient route of honing now that you have this progression. Hone to 1k and strop and shave. Next day hone to 3k and strop and shave. Continue that way to feel how each hone affects the shave. In my experience with my face I found that the 2k was better than the 1k, but the 3k sometimes shaved worse than the 2k but then the 5k and on up continued to improve it.

    Have fun filling your boxes!

    And keep one of them hidden!

  7. #7
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    You got me. It is the Suehiro Gokumyo 20K. it was easier to spell naniwa. Yes there all the super stones except the 20K simply wonderful. I started out with the Norton 4/8 and did not like it. after reviewing Lynn's video on the naniwa I started them with the 1-3/8-12K. the 3/8 was a combination hone. I was getting a really nice edge with this set up and then I went to see Lynn. He showed me the difference when he added the 20K at the end and I was hooked again. So I got one on the way and have enjoyed it ever since. I'm looking forward to meeting some folks in April not far from Memphis and maybe seeing a few different hones and techniques and learning something new.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I have the same naniwa and gokumyo progression. The icing was replacing the 1k with the choosera 1k. The choosera way out performs the naniwa and gives a better edge. After all its all about the bevel.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  9. #9
    Pi3 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    OK, back to reality. Even though Lynn says with the Naniwa (I'll assume SuperStones) you can go 1,3,8,12k or 1,5,8,12k, (and I completely agree) I personally prefer 1,2,5,8,12k because I really want to cut down the stria of the 1k hone with the 2k hone. Now, I actually do go 1,2,3,5,8,10,12k but I know the 3 and 10k are by far the most redundant, so that is my own OCD. Among the two progressions Lynn recommends, I prefer the 1,3,8,12k for the same reason I already suggested--I want to do the best I can to cut down the stria of the 1k.

    Adding the 5k after the 3k will do little to improve your progression to the 8k, but it will make you feel better now that you have it!

    I highly recommend that you do the patient route of honing now that you have this progression. Hone to 1k and strop and shave. Next day hone to 3k and strop and shave. Continue that way to feel how each hone affects the shave. In my experience with my face I found that the 2k was better than the 1k, but the 3k sometimes shaved worse than the 2k but then the 5k and on up continued to improve it.
    +1! IMHO, I feel the 1/3/8/12k Naniwa progression is the ideal set if you want to keep it to a minimum (which is my case, I just wish I had gotten the 3/8k combo stone to save space instead of all four with glued stands). Of course this shouldn't stop any HAD afflicted honer to fill the gaps and, as Utopian said, remove the stria with a smoother progression.

    +100 to the 1k and 3k test shaves, I'm still working on these, especially the 1k, and I clearly still have a long way to go.

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