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Thread: Chipped coti

  1. #1
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Default Chipped coti

    Perhaps it was just time I knew that this coti had a large inclusion in it from day one. It has gotten progressively larger as I get deeper into the stone but until today it held it's own. I didn't see when it happened so I have no idea if it was bumped or if it was just time but now a good portion has flaked off.

    My question is this. Is it worth gluing back together as this takes quite a large bit of useful hone out of action. I would imagine that if adhesive is used it would need to be faster wearing than the stone, to keep it from affecting honing negatively. Or is it best just to leave it as is?

    Thanks in advance!

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    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  2. #2
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    Definitely glue it. Use thin cyanoacrylate. I have done quite a few repairs on fragile natural stones, it works great. The seams where the stones come together on a close-fitting break like that are so thin that there is hardly any CA there and it can't even be felt.

  3. #3
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    + 1 on the cyanoacrylate ('Superglue') glue.

    Glue the piece back on to the coticule with the 'Superglue', sandwich the coticule between two (2) sheets of cling film, and put some weights on top or clamp well.

    Let the glue 'set' for a day or so, then flatten coticule as normal.

    There is some good information here :

    Have fun

    Best regards

    Pithor likes this.

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