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Thread: Diferences between synthetic stones

  1. #1
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    Default Diferences between synthetic stones

    I began honing my razors with a diferent natural stones , so it was pretty slow process . As i see diferent honing videos i realise i need synthetic stones in the low and midle stage of the progretion . I buy a Makitta 1200 stone , wich is amazing stone . Fast , stone , very consistent but i think is a finer stone maybe 2 K level . I get a KAI 3000 stone , as localy avaible . It leaves patern slightly finer than the 1200 makita / King Deluxe i believe / . KAI 3 k is harder fast stone with a completely diferent feedback / white alumina / fast cutter but it clugs after wile .
    Next i buy a Taidea 8 K stone and in pretty happy with it but i dont think is 8 K stone , 6 or 7 k is right grit for this stone . Fast stone isnt soft as the kings , doesnt slurry so much and it cuts pretty fast . Consistent , white alumina , stone that cuts pretty fast and leave shiny bevel and shar bitty edge . Pretty valuable for 20 bucs chipped / My opinion/
    Next i get a King 6 K , S-3 stone fom Japan . It wa my mistake to think that the stand stone and those withowt stands are the same thickness . I get with the stand as it will be better , no stand half santimeter thicker stone with nagura stone .
    First impretions from this stone was controversial - big disapointment . It clugs fast it is very brittle stone , leaves fussy finish and it is sloooow .
    But on the other side this stone is not 6 K stone - is finer i think 8 K is better , and after trying it with slurry , coticule like , im in love with it . It works completely diferent than the other stones that are harder and agresive cuters on plain watter . this one is amazing on a diluting slurry system . For me it is after the 8 k Taidea definetly .
    I was thinking to get finer stone , 8 k levell .but with the 6 k King i look again for the 5 - 6 k stone .
    I see with my eyes that gritt markings are very diferent , so ill be happy to post your impretions from diferent synthetics in your progretion as observation , compared one to another .
    Im looking now for a agressive cutter 5 - 6 K amd fine synthetic 10 k / cheaply offcoarse / I look a Metalmaster private brand 10 k , did someone has experience with it .
    And still looking for a descent 4 to 6 k stone - sugestions ,

  2. #2
    Senior Member Andy77's Avatar
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    Different stone manufacturers utilize different scales when quoting grit ratings. Not being familiar with those manufacturers- I couldn't tell you which is which. This could be the cause of some of the variable experiences you've been getting between stones from different manufacturers.

    As to suggestions- the only synthetics Ive had experience with are Naniwa and Norton.

    I am partial to naniwa- mostly because they don't require a pre soak. That said- many people have a great experience with the Norton 4/8.

    If you're starting from scratch I'd say buy naniwa 1/5/8/12, or a naniwa 1/k and the Norton 4/8.

    As to your request- it sounds to me like you're looking for a mod range grit finisher? If I were you, I'd find your favorite bevel setter from the lot you currently have, and buy a Norton 4/8 as a companion. Use your bevel setter, followed by the 4/8. Once you can shave comfortably off the 4/8, consider a good finisher like a naniwa 12k.
    Last edited by Andy77; 04-05-2015 at 03:44 PM.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    I find the King 6k, which I like very much, to fit nicely between the Naniwa 3k and 8k Sp Stones.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    With synthetics the grit rating is that of the grit, what makes a big difference in performance is the binder and how it releases.

    We can see this with paste and how the substrate can greatly affect the paste performance, e.g. Chrome Oxide on balsa and fabric.

    Probably the best performers for the price I have found is the King line, for years I use an Ice Bear 10k as a finisher with great results.

    The other thing for razors is that we represent a very small part of the market, most stones are made for tools and knives, we make do with the leftovers, which is why so few perform well consistently with razors.
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  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I also prefer the Naniwa hones simply because to me there easier to use and I get pretty good results with them. I go from the 1K 3K 5K 8K and then thee 12K in the naniwa stones and for a final finisher I use the 20K Suehiro. strop a few times and shave. so far this has worked good for me. I really like things easy. One of the pro honers said that to him the naniwa was more consistent and the pros have honed more than me.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Andy77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    I also prefer the Naniwa hones simply because to me there easier to use and I get pretty good results with them. I go from the 1K 3K 5K 8K and then thee 12K in the naniwa stones and for a final finisher I use the 20K Suehiro. strop a few times and shave. so far this has worked good for me. I really like things easy. One of the pro honers said that to him the naniwa was more consistent and the pros have honed more than me.
    I use Naniwa 1k/5k/8k/12k and the Suehiro G. 20k and really like my results.

    I've seen several of the much more experienced guys on this board use Naniwa 1-5-10 and then the SG 20k. If I had to do it over again that's probably where I'd land. I sometimes still think about selling my naniwa 8 and 12 and just buying a 10k and being done with it.

  7. #7
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    here is what works for me:
    1k chosera
    3k Super Stone
    5k Shapton Pro
    8k Shapton pro

    The 10 private brand, is safe to assume a good knife/tool stone, but who knows if it is good for razors. A risky buy IMHO, if funds are not a problem then may be worth trying. I like the 10k Super Stone in that range.

  8. #8
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    I want to clear one totaly stupid anouncement , that the Taidea 8 000 grit is coarser than the 6000 s-3 King hone . IT is not the feedback of the muddy King fools me , and the Taidea was so aagresive and fast . that i make the wrong conclusion . Today i look scratch patern under 60 magnification and the Taidea 8 k is finer than the 6 K King , and much faster stone .
    It is enought only 15 - 20 strokes on the 8 k taidea to clean the scratches of the 3 k Kai witch also is a fast and very good hone . The King 6 k is a lot softer than the both Kai 3 k and Taidea 8 K and it wears quickly . The chinese 8 K leaves very sharp edge after this hone . my hard coti gives a very slight improvement on clean water .
    After synthetic progretion 1200 3000 6000 and 8000 i get to coticule and thuringian to finish , but i cant easy pass from the 8k to thuringian BG .
    I look now a 10 K chinese stone in Ebay and i think to try it along with 5 k taidea - i just like this white alumina hones so much and the prise is affordable to me .

  9. #9
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    Here is a video how behaves a good chinese white alumina stone and how it clugs . I dont know , i didnt use Naniwa , but i like those stones , if youre on a budget .
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  10. #10
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    Now i have 2 of those white alumina chinese and they are hard stones - the problem is that they clugs a bit and you need to refresh the surface
    the good news is that they did not autoslurry but opposite they cut fast and agresively - they are a bit coarser from the size narked on them but for the prise they work like charm
    I did not encourage to buy them if you can afford better but they do the job if you are on a budjet and i like haow they work

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