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Thread: Razorlovestones Project / Magnification Shots of Stones

  1. #1
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Razorlovestones Project with Botanic & Ekretz / Magnification Shots of Stones

    Just had some free time today and started another topic within the Razorlovestones Project.

    I will add here surface shots to each of the stones i own, one will be in 10x the other in 20x magnification...iam trying to find some interesting spots on the stones talking about specific indicators, visible inclusions or just interesting magnification pictures.

    I personally think, its like another fun game giving another perspective/view on the stones in more detail...and under a geological thinking the pictures might help to see things which we wont see without the magnification.....

    Feel all free to comment and discuss the statements i give...add your own Interpretation or reality to the pictures....feel free to add your own magnification pictures!

    All my pictures are listed in a higher resolution here:
    Last edited by doorsch; 04-12-2015 at 04:27 PM.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

    Botanic (04-15-2015), Bowneuscg (06-28-2015), Hirlau (04-12-2015), MODINE (02-07-2016), TristanLudlow (07-04-2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Razorlovestones Project / Magnification Shots of Stones

    Bavarian Frankonian Bouts

    Lets start with two of the stones which are actually my favorites. Hatzicho brought them up and he did a good job finding those interesting stones....

    Working very fast with a slurry due a big amount of Quartz, Aluminiumoxide and a small amount of Iron Oxide. The stones are wonderful stones beeing used after the 1k when the Bevel was set. Fast darkening of the slurry and its a interesting feeling to see how fast metal is removed. The most interesting is that they can be used equally like a Coticule....

    There are different types/qualities of the stones and actually they have a different look on the working surface and their backside....

    Bavarian Frankonian Bout Stone #1:

    I actually think that the reddish/brown spots are Iron Oxide (Fe2o3) Inclusions....

    Bavarian Frankonian Bout Stone #2

    Bavarian Frankonian Backside:

    Original Post here:
    Last edited by doorsch; 04-12-2015 at 01:38 PM.
    Piet, MODINE, Hirlau and 3 others like this.

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

    eKretz (04-12-2015), Geezer (04-12-2015), hatzicho (04-12-2015), Hirlau (04-12-2015)

  5. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    In the last picture on the left you can see numerous distinct crystals. Especially near 12 o clock they are prominent. I can't tell what they are but there are there in a flattened tabular in habit.
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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    one more time in layman's terms please.
    Substance likes this.
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  7. #5
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    All photos
    Only micro (50x +)

    Arkansas and washita
    Black arkansas (naturalwhetstones)

    Vintage trans arkansas


    Washita Norton no1

    Washita Lily White - SOFT fast cutting grit

    Washita Lily White - HARD fine grit
    Last edited by Botanic; 04-12-2015 at 09:46 AM.

  8. #6

  9. #7
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Thanks for the nice shots and your addition to this topic....great are the shots of the Sandstones. well visible is every piece of Sand....

  10. #8
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Razorlovestones Project / Magnification Shots of Stones

    Thuringian Water Stones Part 1
    My most loved stones i think, easy to use....always giving some very nice and very smooth edges. Actually these shots are from two of the unlabelled stones.

    One is an two layered stone in a yellow-green (YG) and a dark-blue (DB). You can see on the 20x magnification that there is a very fine and homogenious can also see where the layer changes (left on Top), but under magnification its less visible then looking on the stone with your eyes....

    The other one is a mottled Thuringian from Hatzicho, you can see well the difference between the darker and lighter areas under magnification...
    You can also see that under 20x magn. it looks a bit coarser then on the Dual layered stone, which also fits on the findings when honing...

    At least some additional shots of typical Thuringian Sawmarks and an area where a corner broke out off the stone
    Last edited by doorsch; 04-12-2015 at 11:00 AM.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

    Botanic (04-12-2015)

  12. #9
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    you are welcome
    Pic with scale - it was photographed with camera olympus c-7070 + microscope peak 2008-50
    without scale - this construction is being used (two lens connected with a reverse adapter):
    Name:  0_fd380_d353a0a0_L.jpg
Views: 1030
Size:  49.6 KB

    O, yeah! Thanks a lot for pictures of thuri - I have a couple slate that can be a thuri but have no info to recognise them exactly.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Botanic For This Useful Post:

    doorsch (04-12-2015)

  14. #10
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Razorlovestones Project / Magnification Shots of Stones

    French Hones Part I
    Three of my very fine french hones...its already well visible that the grain of the surface is very fine.

    All the stones should be used with oil concerning the instructions from F.G.B.C. (F. Ghelfi, Birolleau & Cie.) which marketed the Stones under their Trademark "La Lune". They also sold stones named "Special Stone only for Good Razors". Both variants appeared in a metallic reflecting color grey/blue and red/violet. They very stamped "fine", "very fine" and "extra fine".

    The best way to use the stones due to my own experiences is a Glycerine and Water mixture....

    The first one is a unlabelled big stone in 165x90x20mm, it has a nice inclusion like a flash going thru the stone. You can see it well on the pictures...

    As we often discuss the fine red french stones either called "Vogian" or "Vosges" or "Vosgienne" Stones and the red La Lune and special Stones, this one also shows a minimal inclusion tending towards a bit of green...only one small spot which also appeared on one of the others stones i got a month back.....

    Thec second one is one of of the labelled stones beeing more homogenious and nearly without any visible inclusions, it seems finer on the surface...
    This one is a "extra fine" can see on the unlapped back side the whole thing looks much coarser...

    Here are some shots of the identifiers (sawmarks and chamfered edges)
    Last edited by doorsch; 04-12-2015 at 11:37 AM.
    MODINE, Hirlau and eKretz like this.

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