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Thread: Cnat , C12 K - where to find in Europe

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    Default Cnat , C12 K - where to find in Europe

    I want a big size ,C12k for finishing , and as a base for slurry honing . The problem is / oh boy is a real problem/ that i live in Europe . I read abbout the inconsistency in quality and that like the MST waterstones , in the Cnats there are deferences in the grit .
    Did someone buy in Europe locally a Cnat . Maybe , transatlantic is the best option . I have looked in a Chinese Internet store Aliexpres , but is that a C12k and is a good stone in therm iof quality . And in a second place , the delivery is over a month . For the last stone i bought from there was 3 months waiting .
    The King 6000 grit ordered from Japan came for..... 7 days including our slow postal cervice , so 4 days i say .
    I look the Tailor 1000 i think was , from england . He offers a Cadjima ,with a slurry stone ,at normal prise but the size is not propriate as i whant to work and keep diderent kinds of sluryes or naguras on the stone .
    As im looking the prises going up for this Cnats , i may go for smaler stone or something . Even in the small size q can i be sure abbout gritt as i have 7 or 8 smaler thuringians and i whant to finish in the Cnat with a thuri slury on diluting it to plain watter .
    Any sugestions for seller or some help abbout it , will be very usefull .I love my thiuri edges - no coticule canot ever reach them , but its somethimes anoing honing on a 12 x 2=5 or in the best case 14 x 3 sm thuri .
    I was thinking many thimes for a MST but the gritt size and inconsistancy in quality is makes me turn to C12 K .
    I know that most of the members had few Cnats , if someone whant to sell a auditional stone , may contact me .Just want to be a fine grit no 8 K or so .

    I was watching this stone , its a Cnat i think , but 2 3 months delivery is making me nervous

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    Last edited by RusenBG; 04-26-2015 at 09:07 AM.

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