Quote Originally Posted by doorsch View Post
Also check this pierre aux Croissant:
French Hones - Page 23

Iam not shure if this is a special stone, however its the first stone of this kind beeing stamped extra fine and it doesnt look like a special Stone for me...

The identifiers of the pierres aiguiser Naturelle de Saurat are:

- A sanstone type you could see the grain with a 20mag Loupe
- quite Hard Stone, hard to lap also with a coarse DMT as with many Sandstones
- layering visible on the sides, sometimes a swirling appears like on some of the Dalmore Blue Stones
- slurry firstly milky and thin, hard to create...
- mud smell, which appears on many different stones
- in my opinion reaches 6 to max. 8k when lapped very fine, its possible to shave off
Yes it sounds like a pierres aiguiser except that it seems much more of a finisher than 8k but maybe that is my inexperience with this stone talking. I will have to play with it some more.