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Thread: Has anyone tried this kit before !!!

  1. #1
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    Default Has anyone tried this kit before !!!

    The other day I found this knife sharpening video on YouTube.

    The kit contains:
    Leather Strop
    And a stand

    I'm not marketing it neither I'm planning to get one, but I found it strange that I haven't seen it here before especially that it made for Zwilling J.A. Henkels.

  2. #2
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Lets be explicit here. That is a kit for sharpening KNIVES, not RAZORS. You need a Naniwa 3/8k combo stone and a 12k Naniwa. A 1k is handy if you have to reset a bevel. Honing a razor starts where you leave off of sharpening a knife. Read a bunch in the honing section of the forum and ask a lot of questions there before you commit to a purchase. Lynn's videos on honing ar invaluable to learning proper technique.
    Geezer and jfk742 like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    They are Chosera stones, a bit thin but good stones. You will never use the 400 for razor, for knives yes.

    But really as said all you need is a good 4/8 or ⅜ stone and maybe a 12K

    The 10K is a good stone. The set is pricy, could not find a set with a 10k but the 400,1,5K set is $300.

    You can make a bridge with a 3in board, just cut to the depth of your sink and use a rubber drawer liner to hold the stone.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Lets be explicit here. That is a kit for sharpening KNIVES, not RAZORS. You need a Naniwa 3/8k combo stone and a 12k Naniwa. A 1k is handy if you have to reset a bevel. Honing a razor starts where you leave off of sharpening a knife. Read a bunch in the honing section of the forum and ask a lot of questions there before you commit to a purchase. Lynn's videos on honing ar invaluable to learning proper technique.
    Thanks for your help, however sorry if I haven't been clear... I was wondering that why no one ever talked about this kit, it has all the required for honing razors in my opinion, and it made by Naniwa too.

    10k is shave ready by all standards, adding to that that the average Coticlules are bearly 10k or less and a lot find them heart for shaving, however some find their comfort in higher grits.... .

    Although I have a great collection of natural stones, I have few experience with synthetic hones... And that experience tells that if a stone can shapen a knife it should be okay for razors... Isn't that Nortons, Kings and lots of synthetic stones initially intended for Knives in the first place.... Unless if you are honing professionally and taget comfortable specialised razors stones to get your way through 100s of razors every week.


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I guess it would really depend on how it competed price wise with a similar set of hones from Naniwa/Chosera as they make the Henkels kit.

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  6. #6
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    I wouldn't agree that any stone that can sharpen knives is OK for razors, but I'm a picky SOB, lol. Most really good knife stones are decently hard, so they don't dish insanely fast when sharpening knives and tools. For my preferences anyway, the only time I prefer a harder stone on razors is if the razor in question is on the softer end of the steel hardness spectrum of for the last stone where hardness doesn't matter much. Hard stones in the middle of a progression I find to be a pain because they often glaze and stop cutting efficiently compared to slightly softer stones. Of course, as always, to reach their own, YMMV etc.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I guess it would really depend on how it competed price wise with a similar set of hones from Naniwa/Chosera as they make the Henkels kit.

    Thank you....

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by AljuwaiedAK View Post
    Thank you....
    No need, I mean I have a hunch which will be more expensive and likely because of the name attached to the hones. For my honing I use 1K,3K,8K and 12K thick Naniwa super stones. Never had a need for a 400 grit hone but instead use a DMT 325 diamond plate to lap my hones and some rare heavy duty reshaping on some blades. I don't use a sink bridge either so the Henkel's kit would not be for me anyway.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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