Steve, that is the one I have without the cardboard box.
Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
Here's another design, it's one I mentioned in the above post(s) but did not post an image of it. It's made differently and more simply. It has only one sliding part and the hone on top (a Schwedenstein) is protected by the hardboard slip cover. The strop on the bottom is glued flat but there's a space cut all the way through the wooden body to provide strop flex, like on a modern paddle strop.
The graphics say in German (I believe) "Finest Strop", "Grand prize St. Louis 1904", Grand Prix Bruxelles 1910" then below in English on the left, and "Superior Razor Strop" in French on the right.
Apologies for the flash flare, but it was the best image to show the construction on short notice.
Cheers, Steve