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Thread: Hone identification - Jnat , Lin Idwal or what

  1. #1
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    Default Hone identification - Jnat , Lin Idwal or what

    I get my hands on this extraordinary hone with size 14x5.5 sm .
    For the first time i am confused and i am in trouble to tell the grit rating of a hone .
    This stone behaves irrational as is medium to hard , but not too hard . when is dry is not shiny , it has mat surface /what the f... is that /
    It becames very shiny when whet and it has very rubbery feeling . The feedback is strong as when youre stroping on a black latigo leather .
    On the samtime it has a smooth velvet feeling , only that the edge is sucked into the stone .
    The slurry began on a 8 - 9 k level and quickly mutates into thuringian like ultra fine slurry . In the beggining it takes metal very good and after 10 min when the slurry darkens it almost stop to cut ??????
    The experiments on slurry is that it leaves a harsh and bitty edge , but on lain whater is something diferent .
    im pretty quick in the hands so the 100 light strokes are made in a 4 or 5 minutes interval .
    Wow , it improves one of my best coticules edge . Even the nasty GD steel that is hard to refine , keep refining the edge after the 150 strokes . It is an thuringian level edge in this moment . I stop , as i was impresed and i didnt know what to do . Usualy the hones that i use have a smal diapazon , and they quickly reach there final capabilitys .
    Not a this one q as it continues slowly to improove the edge , as the geometry remains right , no overhoning , no false ant thin edges .
    please . can someone tell me , what is that animal , that i have here .
    This stone does not fit in a usual behavior of a razor hones , neither looks like one .
    Can someone identify it for me please .I never seen such stone , as i have plenty other conventional razor hones .


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    Whet whater only

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  2. #2
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    Slury from 220 extra coarse 6x2 DMT

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    With a piece of a blue green thuringian hone , for color comparition

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    Slurry after 70 80 circles and strokes

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  3. #3
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    Now this stone came together with the previous and is the same unusual size 14x5.5 sm = I first dont like coticules edges for shaving but this one i found to be ultra fine and fast . It gives melow edge absolutely diferent from the other coticules i have .
    I lapp it as its 5 mm thick and i glue it after lapping on this board . Very hard and strong stone is it coticule - i do not know
    Can it be a suita or kita stone , as is completely finer and diferent from other cotis

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    Last edited by RusenBG; 07-12-2015 at 04:40 PM.
    Geezer likes this.

  4. #4
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    It's not a LI stone, because slurry must be a very light green color - almost white.

  5. #5
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    Both unknown stones dry

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  6. #6
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    My guess is Hindostan type hone.

  7. #7
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    A few more for a stone expert

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  8. #8
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    A onion and a black motled thuri with a bluegreen slurry on it for a color comparition

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    Last edited by RusenBG; 07-20-2015 at 05:15 AM.

  9. #9
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    I just notice something amazing i put a small spoon of dish soap in the honing watter and i put this stone in it . In a certain angle of light i saw a hundrets small miniscule holes in the surface of the stone that bubles . they were full of air and it came out . The hole stone bubles like a synthetyc but the holes were much finer , and the bubles were smaler than a 8 k synth bubles .
    Amazing , ive never see something like it before . natural stone with so many small holes .
    No matter that there are so many holes the feedback remains silky smooth and the edge is some of the finest ive ever try . Comparable to Thuringian stone but sharper .
    The both stones the gray and the wellow glued to a board are full of hundrets small holes .they are the same strange size 140x55 mm.
    Super unusual stones but very good .
    Last edited by RusenBG; 07-20-2015 at 04:16 PM.

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