Quote Originally Posted by aaron1234 View Post
I own a thuringian stone and I heard that it's pretty hard to beat a 12k naniwa as a razor finish stone so I was wondering if anyone knew how they compare. My thuringian stone gives a very clean comfortable shave so I was wondering if the 12k would do any better.
Well in my experience with both these stones I feel they actually compliment each other. The Thury is a very slow cutter you really can challenge its abilities trying to bring back a dull razor. On the other hand it gives forth comfort and smoothness with the best of them. When done well the thury edge is a joy to shave with. The Naniwa 12k is a performer as far as edge refinement and keeness and much faster cutter really amazing in that regards actually for its grit. When I say complimentary I mean to use the tool that does one thing best. Naniwa will get your blade really sharp and crisp almost harsh then follow up with Thury and all the nasties melt away and you have a lovely shaving instrument, sharp and smooth what we all crave.