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Thread: Coticule slurry.

  1. #11
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikael86 View Post
    And I guess I got my answer. Because it fractures the garnets in coticules. But are you guys not just a little curious to why this only works on some coticules? I am. And if anyone should know why that is I would be happy to know it.
    I'm guessing that it's due to the differences in garnet size and density between individual coticules. Perhaps larger garnets fractured into smaller pieces show a more noticeable increase in cutting speed than smaller ones do. Here are photos of the surfaces of two of my coticules: a La Verte and a La Petite Blanche. The La Verte has much larger garnets and is a much slower and smoother hone than the latter. My guess is that slurry on the La Verte made with a diamond plate would in effect be more similar to slurry on the La Petite Blanche made normally. Perhaps when the garnets are smaller to begin with, the change in cutting speed when slurried with a diamond plate is less noticeable.

    La Verte surface:

    Name:  Coticule Surface.jpg
Views: 419
Size:  43.1 KB

    La Petite Blanche surface:

    Name:  La Petite Blanche Surface.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  51.5 KB

  2. #12
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    That sounds plausible. Thanks for the pictures I didn't know that the difference in garnets were that big.

  3. #13
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    Are there any good places to get slurry stones from. I rase slurry with a diamond credit card, and I often think, I shouldn't be doing this. Gotta be somewhere to get a half decent slurry stone.
    There is. My honing drawer. Next meet up I can give you one if you'd like and your DE's back. Haven't used them in quite some time.

    Relevant to the topic of using a diamond plate to raise slurry I have too noticed that the diamond plate makes the stone more aggressive. This is not disputed by anyone. My theory is that as the razor is progressed through the slurry stages of honing that the stone smooths to a pre-diamond roughed surface through the burnishing effect of rubbing the steel on the coticule and the slurry dulls enough to get you to the same end result as if you had raised the slurry with a small bout of coticule.

    I've shaved with razors off diamond and natural slurry without any noticeable difference.

    Some would say otherwise.
    Pedigree likes this.

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