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Thread: Pasting first strop

  1. #1
    Member Lumberjack55's Avatar
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    Default Pasting first strop

    So I've been using a straight razor for two months now daily. Just bought my second razor from SRD cause I'm already addicted. After using my new one I realized my first one isn't near as sharp. Both were from SRD so I don't think I need a complete rehone yet. It's a dovo 5/8 basic black plastic scale beginner.

    Im thinking just to paste it on a strop but don't know a ton about it. Just buy some paste and put it on the linen side of a stop and go at it. How many strops, 20? What type of paste? Also when I paste it am I forever having to use it for paste and have to get another strop for my regular day to day stroping?
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  2. #2
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    Go to Lynn's youtube channel and watch his video on refreshing a razor.

  3. #3
    FAL is offline
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    Well, from one Logger to another, have a look at SRD and be Sure to get chromOx paste For Razors, Knife grade paste will mess up your razor.(too chunky)
    Once pasted, your strop will be pasted for a very long time even with cleaning the heck out of it and palm rubbing. Most guys have one plain un-pasted and one or a dozen pasted, check out the different types of strops and pastes/sprays available.

    There are two stropping forums here where you can find All the stropping info one would ever use. Best of stropping to you.
    Last edited by FAL; 03-24-2016 at 01:16 AM.
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  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Look over THIS tutorial.

    You want to use a Chromium Oxide that is specified as being of use for razors.

  5. #5
    71L is offline
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    As has been mentioned, read through the forums and decide what kind of paste/spray you want to use. Chromium Oxide (make sure it is 0.5micron razor quality and not just knife grade) is far & away the most common/preferred, but certain people swear by/love diamond sprays and other products. Once you've decided on your product, ordered, & received it I suggest applying it to newspaper the first time for two reasons: 1. this way you can get some experience on how to apply it without getting too much/too little and 2. you make sure you like how the product performed and that you don't want to try another one before permanently altering your strop.
    Once you know for sure what you want on your strop, I use the inside of the strop for paste, so the outside leather & linen are still just plain leather/linen, but the inside is pasted (you can even do chromium oxide on the inside leather and diamond spray on the inside linen if you like).
    Shaved by Grace

  6. #6
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    I looked on you tube first but didn't see anything,I searched refresh razor and I found it, Lynn always does an amazing job explaining, I'll keep buying products from him, he taught me how to straight shave!

  7. #7
    Member Lumberjack55's Avatar
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    Got some chromium oxide from srd, I'm surprised at how well it actually worked and how easy it was, why doesn't everyone shave with a straight?!

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    A 12 inch piece of cardboard is a great substrate to experiment with paste, inside of a (cereal or shirt box).

    Once you paste a strop, it is pasted forever, you can never get it, ALL out.

    Paste can be used for comfort or keenness and sometimes both, depending on the paste.

    A good Chrome Oxide is the best paste to begin with. The SRD stick is the easiest and cleanest to apply. Do use sparingly, the X’s work best. And do wipe your razor clean, very well or you will paste your leather strop.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Gonzo4str8rzrs's Avatar
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    I have the paddle strop from SRD and the wool part I pasted. I do about 15 strokes wipe edge clean. Then wipe with alcohol then strop about 60-80 times on leather. I do strop on hanging Tony Miller strop
    I am very appreciative of all the knowledge and sharing each and everyone has provided me with. Look forward to future endeavors with many of you.

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