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Thread: Another Norton 'Axe' Hone Goes For A Bundle

  1. #31
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Hey Jimmy, thanks for the flashback...

    that pattern on the floor in the photo of the long hone in hand was exactly the same pattern of the flooring in the kitchen and bathroom of my parents' house. The house is gone and so are they, but the memory of that floor remains!
    JimmyHAD likes this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grazor View Post
    Watched that, funny thing is a couple of hours later the older pike version of that same hone popped up buy it now $35 AUS.

    I found the Pike version around the first of the year & I got it for under $30. I put it in Show & tell after I saw one broken in two go for over $500. I guess the buyer was going to glue it back together. I have a hindustan that was broken in two & I CA'd it back together & had a buddy of mine take it to his work & lapped it on one of those machines like the Japanese use, looked like a big turntable. It worked out & I have applied quite a bit of pressure to see if it would break but it seems fine although I never use it.

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    I saw a big Norton go for a couple months ago. He started out at $1250 I think & kept re-listing it until it got down to $850 & sold. This one was missing the slurry.

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    Last edited by engine46; 06-05-2016 at 01:40 PM.

  3. #33
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    if you see a Barber hone called the "Trojan" with the same packaging as the hone above it is the same as the prized Norton ax hone. FYI. and they sell cheap.
    MattCB likes this.

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