Hi all,

I am new to the world of honing. I have a quick question and hopefully an easy problem to solve. I hone with the naniwa progression that Lynn Abram's uses and end with a Suehiro 20k. I also try to use his technique and I start with a chosera 1000. I have gotten incredibly keen edges off this system. I mean like knife through butter. The problem is that when I go to the other cheek and during the first pass and sometimes at start the next pass across the keenness is already dead and the blade starts to pull and tug. I usually set the bevel until the blade digs into the thumbnail while dragging it across. I am thinking I should take this blade further on the 1000 grit stone. Its a really weird symptom to have. If I over honed I would expect harshness and not cutting properly as described on the forums, plus I heard its hard to over hone. Underhoning I would expect a dull blade to begin with. But this sucker starts excellent but can't seem to hold the edge. I have been able to put a good edge on a Hart steel razor but not my full or extra hollows. I heard these are supposed to be easier to hone! Thank you for any input. I am new to the forum so hello .

Oh and to rule out technique or stropping issues I have bought a blade from Lynn's store and it gave me the best shave of my life, the keenness mine start out with but without the drop off.