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Thread: Hone sequence

  1. #1
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    Default Hone sequence

    I just got a Arkansas Black from Dan's and found it to be flat. I burnished it and took it out for a lap with a razor I bought on eBay. I had to set the bevel with my Naniwa 1k, the Naniwa 5k, Jnat, Naniwa 12k, Suehiro 20k, Arkansas Black, Chromium oxide paddle and my English leather paddle strop. I wasn't sure what hones to use so I tried them all. Worked pretty good. Great edge and will shave with the razor tomorrow. Where does the Arkansas Black usually go in the sequence? I won't need all the above now that the bevel is set. To refresh I would usually use my 12k & 20k or just the 20 k and chromium oxide. Now that I have the Arkansas, I am curious to see what can be omitted?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkatzman View Post
    I had to set the bevel with my Naniwa 1k, the Naniwa 5k, Jnat, Naniwa 12k, Suehiro 20k, Arkansas Black, Chromium oxide paddle and my English leather paddle strop.

    You are using a Whole lot of hones there

    The Jnat is an unknown grit level
    The Arkie is an unknown grit level

    To test hones you need to have a positive level jump off point

    I used the 8k's for year as a jump off point between Polishing and Finishing

    I would get the razor to that point with an 8k where I knew I had a CCS from that edge then I would test the new hone and see if it improved that edge..

    From what you have I would guess your jump off point to be either your J-nat or your N12k..

    sometimes taking hones out of the progression and not "Over-finishing" will yield a much more comfortable edge

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  4. #3
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    I guess this is going to be a trial and error. Want to experiment with the ark after the 12k. Is chromium oxide necessary after the ark?
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  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    If I am testing a Hone then I don't even use Linen, just about 20 on leather to burnish the edge a bit so I can REALLY feel the edge off that hone ..

    after I get where I like I can always tweak it with more stuff later
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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I would hone the razor with the 12K and then hit the Arkie with it and check under magnification to see where it fits. Then I'd shave off the edge and see if I felt a need to go anywhere after that.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Like Glenn said your arkie is an unknown grit being a natural. Throw in the fact that individual Arkansas stones will vary more depending on the level that it is burnished and this really isn't a question you can get an answer to from any one of us. I would do what Glenn suggested above and just do it trial and error. It's the best part anyways, figuring out the puzzle. Jump in. The waters fine!
    Last edited by Steel; 05-13-2016 at 10:17 AM.
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  10. #7
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    I have several black Arkies and unfortunately the scratch patterns range from about 10k to 20k.
    It really is trial and error.
    Practice on the arkie with a kitchen knife or a hunting knife to compare the scratch pattern.

    And have you considered HAD rehabilitation yet?
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  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkatzman View Post
    I had to set the bevel with my Naniwa 1k, the Naniwa 5k, Jnat, Naniwa 12k, Suehiro 20k, Arkansas Black, Chromium oxide paddle and my English leather paddle strop. I wasn't sure what hones to use so I tried them all.
    The suehiro 20k is about the king of the finishing hill right now. Using an Ark, or chrom-ox following a 20k would degrade the edge IMHO. When using an Ark, translucent or black, to finish a razor I do 1K (if it needs the bevel set) 4k or 5k (depending on the series) 8k or 10k, then the black ark or the trans, not both. I basically never use chrom-ox or paste after I hone. I want to see what I 'got' with the hones. If I'm in the middle of a shave and feel the need I'll go to chrom-ox, but that is the only time. YMMV.
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  12. #9
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    I took an old Genco razor and went to my 12k then the Ark. The Ark is so glass smooth, 2 hours of burnishing, that its hard to tell when your done. What I did notice is after say 50 laps, the blade wants to stick to the Ark. I thought it needed more oil and it still wanted to stick. I checked it under my glass and the bevel was very smooth. Next, the shave. Very comfortable. No tugging or irritation. I am curious now to see how a stainless steel blade reacts. My first impression, I really like the Ark as a final finishing - polishing stone. It feels more comfortable shaving then the Suehiro 20k.
    Last edited by jkatzman; 05-13-2016 at 06:11 PM.
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  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Food for thought, but if it were me I'd drop the Jnat and the 20k from the progression then. Assuming of course that you don't find a blade that likes the 20k better than the Arkie.

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