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Thread: If you had to do it all over again — would you still have gotten an Escher?

  1. #91
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eKretz View Post
    Lol, the Audi will take you off the line every time (barring driver error) because it's AWD. BMWs have always had a good top end though. That is a characteristic of cars with more HP than torque.

    And you are talking 2 hour drive for the round trip right?
    Lots of getting used to this ride, for a car at 4939 lbs, the stats are pretty good, and I've already eaten a few Audi's, Mercs, and smaller, frightened BMW's....

    Zero to 60 mph: 5.2 sec
    Zero to 100 mph: 12.3 sec
    Zero to 140 mph: 26.6 sec
    Street start, 5-60 mph: 6.0 sec
    Standing ¼-mile: 13.6 sec @ 105 mph
    Top speed (governor limited): 147 mph
    Braking, 70-0 mph: 160 ft
    Roadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.86 g

  2. #92
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That stop distance is insane.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  3. #93
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    There was a time I was big into BBWs, they certainly have their place in my honing ritual and are great hones for their intended purpose, they're a pleasure to hone on, great feeling.

    Anyways, I once bought a bigger BBW stone from some second hand site, well at least I thought I was. I received it and was thinking to myself, damn that's one clean looking BBW.
    While I was lapping it I immediately noticed it didn't have purple slurry at all, but more grey-ish like another Thüringer I have, hmmz. (the one I had was one that came in a wooden box that said the celebrated water razor hone or something along those lines)

    I took my other Thuri out and laid it next to the stone, identical coloring, identical saw pattern teeth on the sides, took a couple of pictures and posted it online; the consensus: it's a Thüringer as well (might've been an Escher, I'll never know). A darker blue one. I guess I got lucky!

    Another interesting bit, someone scratched his name on the side of the stone, so Ed, I got your stone brother!
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 09-17-2017 at 06:36 PM.
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