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Thread: Deeper Petrographic / Geological Researches of razor hones and sharpening stones

  1. #11
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Deeper Petrographic / Geological Researches of razor hones and sharpening stones

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Thin sections, as we call them here are the classic way to identify the components of a rock. To those not familiar the rock is ground down and then put under a polarizing microscope which is a basic optical scope with some modifications.

    The way I would go about this is get hones of known quality and analyze them to see what minerals they have. The only problem is there is way more to this question of what makes up a good hone and thin section studies will only give you very gross composition. It's the details that will tell you more and X-Ray Defractor studies will give you the exact composition with percentages of the minerals and the anion and cation percentages as well as way more to the molecular and atomic structure.
    I expect the following results:

    1. proper/correct geological identification of the type of stone
    2. more details on particle sizes and form of abrasives
    3. amounts of abrasive mineral content
    4. comparison of the results with other literature results or similiar analytics already made

    I dont really know what will come up with those tests, but we'll see.
    Last edited by doorsch; 07-17-2016 at 11:05 PM.
    Vasilis, hatzicho and RezDog like this.

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doorsch View Post
    I expect the following results:

    1. proper/cotrect geological identification of the type of stone
    2. more details on particle sizes and form of abrasives
    3. amounts of abrasive mineral content
    4. comparison of the results with other literature results or similiar analytics already made

    I dont really know what will come up with those tests, but we'll see.
    How will you go about determining the amount of abrasive mineral content?

    Thin sections won't help you there. You'll need to first determine what minerals are "abrasives" then which ones you have in your sample and then what percentages of the sample they comprise. it's not an easy task without some specialized equipment.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    How will you go about determining the amount of abrasive mineral content?

    Thin sections won't help you there. You'll need to first determine what minerals are "abrasives" then which ones you have in your sample and then what percentages of the sample they comprise. it's not an easy task without some specialized equipment.
    Mhh..actually what are abrasives should be the easy task, as far as i understood its not too difficult. Used is a petrographic microscope with polarized lights which is used for mineral determination....

    As we know the main interesting ones are:
    Aluminiumoxide (Al2o3)
    Siliciumdioxide (Sio2)
    Iron-III-Oxide (Fe2o3)
    Mangan-Oxide (MnO)

    Right now iam the newbie and the one who really has no big knowledge on this, so i will see what the "pro" can get out of it....

    Thanks for your input !!
    Vasilis likes this.

  4. #14
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Deeper Petrographic / Geological Researches of razor hones and sharpening stones

    I invite you all later to discuss the findings here as open minded as possible.....i like every input from the community, even if there will be different views and interpretation...

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