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Thread: hones 19 pieces 2 have labels looking for info on the rest

  1. #21
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Regardless if he was selling or not, this could have been a great learning experience for new honers getting into honing and trying to learn about different hone types. He has quite a few different types in there. The OP could have worded things better and maybe not posted all 19.

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    Default what i hand forge-lets see your talent

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  4. #23
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Very nice work!
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  5. #24
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chugach68 View Post
    Just my opinion, but I think if he were more involved in the forum the responses would not have been so harsh. As you said sq, 3 posts in 5 years. I have taken breaks from this site but have tried to contribute as much as I could along with many questions. Yes this is a place of massive knowledge and one could read posts, articles, etc. to learn many things without participating but I think if you are passionate about the art you cant sit on your hands too long before getting involved with and/or posting on your own whether it be questions, experiences, opinions, etc.
    Maybe it's just me, but maybe the 'harsh' responses should come from mods and mods only. Maybe the rest of us should be gents and let the mods do their jobs. I knew when I read the OP, he was gonna get hammered. Personally, I don't think common members have a right to treat other members with such disdain. Of course my opinion and $14.23 will get you a Starbucks coffee.

    Post count does not a King make.
    Last edited by ChopperDave; 08-28-2016 at 06:42 AM.
    Smarter than I look or, not as dumb as I look. Whichever you prefer.

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  7. #25
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChopperDave View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but maybe the 'harsh' responses should come from mods and mods only. Maybe the rest of us should be gents and let the mods do their jobs. I knew when I read the OP, he was gonna get hammered. Personally, I don't think common members have a right to treat other members with such disdain. Of course my opinion and $14.23 will get you a Starbucks coffee.

    Post count does not a King make. (but when you look at their posts and all that they have ever posted is asking for values, etc... it makes it tough)
    Agree. When I see stuff like that and spammers, I try to resist the urge to post hoping it will 'go away'.

    Thankfully, the mods here are good at their 'jobs'.
    Last edited by kelbro; 08-28-2016 at 12:01 PM.

  8. #26
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimg101455 View Post
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    The knives look ok but need a lot more handsanding to get rid of the grinder marks.
    And if the second one is a railroad spike, it's too soft to hold a knife edge. There is only maximum 0.2% carbon in them, and likely not even that.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #27
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    FYI, I was *thanked* by a moderator for reporting the original post and not reprimanded for mine. He (the mod) also mentioned that he considered removing not just the sales elements of the original post, but *all* of the OP's posts. The mods can only address issues when they are brought to their attention, and looking out for the well-being of the site is everybody's business. That being said, since more of you seem offended by the responses to a flagrantly illicit post than by the post itself, your priorities are clearly in conflict with my own. I can see no point in my further participation on this forum.
    "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." -H. L. Mencken

  10. #28
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChopperDave View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but maybe the 'harsh' responses should come from mods and mods only. Maybe the rest of us should be gents and let the mods do their jobs. I knew when I read the OP, he was gonna get hammered. Personally, I don't think common members have a right to treat other members with such disdain. Of course my opinion and $14.23 will get you a Starbucks coffee.

    Post count does not a King make.
    While I don't agree with you at all. I would like to try and explain my point of view so you gain a little insight into why I chose to write something after reading this post. I think common members should write what they would like. There is no rule against it I have found in the SRP rules. Respect- well I'll get into that a bit deeper down.

    First up.

    Disdain - the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect;

    Consideration- careful thought, typically over a period of time

    Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements

    Now that we've broken it down I would like to state personally that I never felt that the Original Poster was unworthy of my careful thought or my feeling of deep admiration. I personally felt he didn't go about posing his question the right way and that could be for any number of reasons of which I believe it boils down to the fact that he hasn't been active enough to know about forum etiquette and generally what members will and will not positively respond to. ChopperDave, your feelings that the common member shouldn't say anything when something like this happens is in my mind not a great idea. That is like being at work and doing something wrong but your co-worker doesn't say anything at all. They know your not doing something right but they wait for a boss to see, when they could have stopped it at the start before the boss got involved at all.

    We should act as a community and look out for each other. If needed moderators can step in as in the case of Iz who removed certain aspects of his posts that originally drew fire to the poor guy to save him from being roasted. If he takes anything away from this thread, since it is a learning experience for us all. Hopefully in the future he will realize what will get him help and what won't.

    Now to get to the gentleman part

    Gentleman - a chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man

    Chivalrous - (of a man or his behavior) courteous and gallant, especially toward women.
    Gallant - (of a man or his behavior) giving special attention and respect to women; chivalrous.

    Right off the hop this doesn't apply to us in this situation on this forum.

    Courteous - polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.

    Polite - having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people:
    Respectful - feeling or showing deference and respect: (Deference - humble submission and respect)
    Considerate- careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others

    Now here is where we could have improved a little bit. We did not show behaviour that was feeling or showing humble submission and deep admiration for the original poster. We also failed to be careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt others due to the nature of our responses which he clearly took offence to. For this I apologize as I could have worded things better on my end instead of getting my back up which was not acting very.. (look below)

    Honorable - bringing or worthy of honor:
    Honor - Noun -high respect; esteem: Verb - regard with great respect:

    So acting worthy of honor would have been to politely PM the man instead of soaking him in gas for the next guy to light up. I could have also improved here as well.

    So now that we've got that all sorted out. You are right. We should be more gentlemanly to those seeking our advice and instead of scorning them we should lend a helping hand.

    Post count means nothing other then you've got a lot of free time on your hands.

    Sqzbxr: "FYI, I was *thanked* by a moderator for reporting the original post and not reprimanded for mine. He (the mod) also mentioned that he considered removing not just the sales elements of the original post, but *all* of the OP's posts. The mods can only address issues when they are brought to their attention, and looking out for the well-being of the site is everybody's business. That being said, since more of you seem offended by the responses to a flagrantly illicit post than by the post itself, your priorities are clearly in conflict with my own. I can see no point in my further participation on this forum."

    I agree with you that posts like this need to be brought to the moderators attention before they can be effectively dealt with. Looking out for the sight it top priority.. these guys seem to want to do it by trying to act righteous when someone like you or I say something. Which I also feel is an improper thing to do, getting on the active, contributing members back for standing up for their site. It's very weak.

    On a side note every time I say I am done participating here I make it back eventually. No matter what I say I don't get banned for some reason... Oh well. If you must cease participation I wish you all the best.
    Last edited by s0litarys0ldier; 08-28-2016 at 02:25 PM.
    Crawler likes this.

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  12. #29
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    Name:  IMG_7198.jpg
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Size:  63.8 KBthanks for the info,i took some better pics .this knife is 52100 alloy(timken bearing race)the railroad spike was a forges like butter compared to 52100.i don,t shave with a straight razor but keep my blades pretty original post was more about the colors of escher stones.i collected the others and included them to show the colors compared to the escheris is there a publication out there that describes the subtle differences or is it determined by the box.i have good eyes but they all are some shade of grey.i should not have said they were XXXXXXXXXX.i spend my time in the shop ,not online but go to bladeforums on occasion-friendly informative site.thanks for the help-those that chose to.jim
    Last edited by lz6; 08-28-2016 at 04:53 PM. Reason: Once again a rule violation removed.

  13. #30
    lz6 is offline
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    jimg101455 this is your last warning. If you mention "sales", regardless of the context in which you use the word, this thread will be closed you will be dealt with after the moderating team discuss your actions.

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