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Thread: Micro-chipping and how to fix it - HELP

  1. #11
    Member Justino14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Is your 12k a real 12k or an EBay Halcion 12K?
    12k Naniwa

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I think you are making this post extremely confusing for many on here

    The nicks and chips that come from Shaving are part of shaving, as you get a better handle on shaving and stropping these will become less and less

    Micro-Chipping from honing although similar in appearance actually come from improper use of the hones.

    Since you say it is coming after shaving and not from during honing we have to assume that this is shave related

    Adjusting your angle and learning to prep better and what and how a scything stroke is accomplished will help lessen the impact on the edge
    Learn the stages of proper stropping will help to improve the edge after shaving..
    the stages are
    Learn the mechanics
    Do no harm
    Do some good

    You might have to learn to do weekly or bi-weekly touch up and maintenance on the edge some people just have tough beards and it pounds the crap outta the edge

    What did you shave with before and how did those blades hold up ????
    Didn't mean to be confusing. Basically I got my razor honed by a professional, someone reputable so I know it was shave-ready. After just a few shaves the razor is very uncomfortable to use, the first shave was nice though. I was curious what the edge looked like so I checked it under a loupe and a noticed a few microchips. Again I guess that is due to my stropping.

    This is basically my first straight so I have nothing to compare it to. I do have another shave-ready razor I could use to compare shaves. When you say weekly maintenance, what would that consist of?
    Last edited by Justino14; 09-25-2016 at 03:39 AM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Since you haven't put your razor to the hones I can only assume your microchips were caused by shaving technique, I've never heard of microchiping from stropping unless a strop is as rough as a badgers a$$.
    As Glenn said adjust your angle, it's quite easy to let the spine drift away from your face and cause the razor to rip the hair not slice it.

    Talk to your honer and ask whether he used tape and how much, ask what strokes he used, heel leading etc. Then try 10 weight of the blade laps on your 12k, strop and see how she shaves, repeat if necessary.
    I personally wouldn't go down the jointing route as you could inadvertently make the situation worse.

    Weekly maintenance would mean 10 to 20 laps on cro ox or a few laps on your 12k.

    Good luck
    gssixgun likes this.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Are you using a quality strop, is your stropping technique up to scratch?
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justino14 View Post
    12k Naniwa

    Didn't mean to be confusing. Basically I got my razor honed by a professional, someone reputable so I know it was shave-ready. After just a few shaves the razor is very uncomfortable to use, the first shave was nice though. I was curious what the edge looked like so I checked it under a loupe and a noticed a few microchips. Again I guess that is due to my stropping.

    This is basically my first straight so I have nothing to compare it to. I do have another shave-ready razor I could use to compare shaves. When you say weekly maintenance, what would that consist of?
    Here is the thing ...

    SR shaving isn't as easy as some want to make it seem, yes if you have baby fine hair and your shaves were easy with a disposable then it goes pretty "Smooth" (pun intended)

    But you still have to learn all the steps to get that Comfortable shave we all brag about, when you are new to this you are doing it all haphazard so yes it is harder on the edge .. It just is


    These steps are all very important I am only going to touch on the most common mistakes made in each step for you here

    Prep - Not enough, Prepping for the shave is VERY important to getting a comfortable shave and lessening the damage to the edge

    Strop - Keep the spine buried in the strop move the razor evenly and equally across the strop sounds simple huh??? it isn't I always suggest at the mneet for new guys to lay the strop on the edge of the counter while learning to master the flip..
    It takes time to develop it just does

    Everyone goes through 3 stages
    #1 Learning the mechanics, how to actually move the razor, keep the spine on the strop and how to flip
    #2 Manage to finally strop without doing harm to the edge
    #3 Manage to finally strop and align correct and burnish the edge to help the shave

    Shave - the angle is the biggest issue when you are new, the suggestion is 20° - 30° I have never liked that, it is easier for my brain to think in spine widths plus that adjust for the size of the razor too the spine should stay within 2 spine widths from the face..
    New guys have a tendency to open that up drastically around the curves of the face
    The second thing to avoid is pressure against the face
    Best thing to remember to help with that is "Shave the Lather" that helps you understand that you do not want to press in..
    Just lightly shave the lather and it keeps you from pressing like almost ever other shaving system teaches you

    This is a vid I did to demonstrate what is actually meant by by the term "Shave Test " but f you listen I give quite a few tips about prep and shaving too
    Lynn also has a couple of really good vids to help new guys with their shaves

    Here is a really good thread with dozens of links and ideas to help you with stropping

    Go slow and take you time you are just going to have to take it step by step
    Last edited by gssixgun; 09-25-2016 at 03:43 PM.
    rodb, lz6, Vasilis and 2 others like this.

  5. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    ChopperDave (09-28-2016), Dachsmith (10-04-2018), markbignosekelly (09-25-2016)

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