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Thread: naniwa 3k - the hidden gem of my progression

  1. #11
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloanwinters View Post
    nice! glad im not alone. i dont really see/hear/read about a 3k very much. sounds like chosera is the 1/3/5 of choice though for bevel setting. did i make an error going with the SS line? ive been reading more-n-more good things re: shapton as well.

    also, i lap each of my stones before every session. even if im honing more than one razor that night ill still re-lap with an atoma before each stone. my 1k is already noticeably thinner than others. am i lapping too frequently? i know how important 'flat' is to the ultimate success of a honing session.
    I also use an Atoma when honing - but mainly to clean the surface and raise slurry. I find that a few passes with the Atoma serves both purposes as well as ensuring that the parts of the stone not used when honing are still taken down.

    I would not class what I'm doing as lapping so much as just cleaning - and I don't find that it wears the hones unnecessarily.
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  3. #12
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    It was mentioned that the super/specialty stones seem to develop a "skin" in a thread somewhere at some point. I usually wet then run a diamond plate over it just to get that off. It seems to work well.

    I have used both Naniwa stones, the benefit of choseras is a slightly different (less chalky) feel and a thicker stone. Basically, they're both solid stones, so you did not make a mistake.

    Edit: I wanted a 2k/3k immediately after trying out the 2k at a razor meet. So I go 1k, 2k, 5k, 8k, 12k, coticule. I waffled for a long time between the 2k and 3k. Eventually the 2k won out because it was a known quantity.
    Last edited by dinnermint; 11-11-2016 at 10:30 PM.

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  5. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloanwinters View Post
    did i make an error going with the SS line? .
    Not at all IMO. I had a 3k SS before I got PIFed the 3k Chosera. The Chosera stays flatter and has a feel that I like better than the SS, but the 3k and 5k SS are fine stones. I've never used a 1k SS so I can't comment on that

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  7. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I had been setting bevels with the 1k for many moons, and though in the old days guys would say if all you had was a 4k you could do a bevel set, but it wasn't ideal, and a 1k was faster. No doubt.

    Somewhere amongst Mastro Livi's videos is one of him repairing a customer's razor. The edge was damaged somehow, but not really too badly. Mastro used the 3k to reset the bevel, and strongly recommended it above the 1k, unless the edge was really rough.

    Anyway, so hearing/seeing that video I set my next bevel with the 3k and was very happy with the work and the result. I would go to the 1k if I thought the edge needed the coarser grit, but for a 'decent' edge starting out, the 3k was fine.

    I used to do 1k-3k-5k and test shave. According to the Japanese grit chart the 3k compares with a 5k, and the 5k with the 8k in the USA chart. So I did that for a time. Lately I've been doing 3-5-8-10-20. TBH I haven't been doing much honing from jump street lately. Mostly doing touch ups using the higher grit stuff, but I find that 3k a good tool to have.
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  9. #15
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    It seems like a lot of us have that 3k! I have 1-3-5-8-12 for my progression

  10. #16
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    Me too. Chosera 1k, superstones, 2k,3k,5k,8k, 10k, Suehiro 20k. I find the 2k useful in removing heavier stria of the Ch 1k. personal choice. The only variable is the Kanayama Strop. I'm happy with the status quo atm.

  11. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have been using the Naniwia Green Brick 2k for a while now, post 1K and like it, cuts the 4k time down considerably.

    I set a lot of bevels on it and eliminate the 1k altogether, if the edge is in good shape.

    It is also a great finishing stone for kitchen knives.

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  12. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I like the stone holder Euclid,,, did you make it?

  13. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Plate rack from a thrift store, $2.
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    Hirlau (11-13-2016)

  15. #20
    Senior Member Kristian's Avatar
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    I use my 3K Naniwa SS hone to reset bevel. It's clearly a underrated hone. When using synthetic progression I'll do 1K, 3K, 8K and 12K.

    Normally I prefers a coticule finish and only do 1K, 3K and coticule.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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