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  • 1 Post By ovidiucotiga

Thread: Anyone tried Bester Water Hones??

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Question Anyone tried Bester Water Hones??

    I was on another thread about bevel setters & a member talked about using a 1K Bester as a bevel setter. Bester seems pretty popular with the knife crowd but they look like a pretty fast & smooth bevel setter.
    Any thought's??


  2. #2
    Sharp Minded Citizen
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    I had some of their hones a knife guy friend brought me for testing...they are decent hones but i would not recomend them for bevel setting on razors...i just could not get that initial sharpness i get from my chosera or shapton or sigma select hones...
    I looked under magnification and indeed the bevels and edge were not looking that good.

    I guess you could use it if you don't have any oter option...but seeing as a corect bevel setting is 90%of honing an edge...i still would stick to a proven bevel setter...1-2k chosera/shapton/sigma....
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Brontosaurus's Avatar
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    I bought the Beston 500, Bester 1200, and Suehiro Rika 5000 for sharpening kitchen knives. I find the set-up works very well for razors as well.
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  4. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I've used the 2k Bester. It's a water stone, meaning it needs soaking... a lot of soaking. Very fast on slurry but less convenient than the splash n go type stones. I also had a feeling that the grit consistency was less uniform than the other stones we use on razors but it may have been an individual case..
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