Hi all,

I have had many different sets of synthetics in the past, shapton glass, 'norton, naniwa. I never spent the time to learn them and was always drawn back to my coticule's. (I collected way too many) Now that I've let go of the brunt of my bones save 4. 3 coticules and a king 1k I decided to get the king 4k(possibly 6k depends on if the vendor listed it right) and the gold 8k stone. I needed to satisfy my curiosity and these stones come in the size that I like 7 x2.5. I like the clay feeling of the 1k and can see myself enjoying the other stones. Any tips for using these ?

Raise a slurry on the 8k?

I've been around the block a few times with synthetics but am hoping this is the last set I ever buy..
