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Thread: Rounded stones...

  1. #21
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    Heck yeah it is!
    Also I got so many stones... and my 6k king is about half gone. Though I like the stone for knives, and would probably buy it again just to have it, I would not cry if it got ruined. King Stones are such a good value! I want to try their 8k gold stone, but that thing is like 86 bucks as opposed to the 34 dollars I spent on this 6 s-3
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  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I figure the King 8K is in the same ball park as any other (good) 8K hone. I mean Norton 4/8 combination and Naniwa 8 are 80 bucks, the Norton 8K or Naniwa 3/8 are 90. And then there's the shapton at almost 120. 1/6 for 34 and 86 for the 8 is almost 80 bucks less than I spent on single grit Norton 1, 4, and 8 hones.

    I've read good things about the King 8K. And the Ice bear 10K if you can find the dang thing. But I'm good to go with the synthetics I have. Might add a 12k to the stable some day, but for the most part I'm happy with my Naturals for the final step.

  3. #23
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    I can't believe how high shapton 8k went. I bought the 8k glass a little over a year ago and I think it was a tad under 90 bucks., its like 113 dollars now!
    I bought 500 1 4 8 16 glass stones, the base and the DGLP a while back, unfortunately I almost never use them. I'm hooked on my super stones. 5/8/10/12/20k gok is one hell of an edge for most razors. A lot of the time I substitute out a (stone I am not allowed to mention) for the 20k. Or just go from Super stone 8 to (the stone I can't mention) Very consistent results.
    I'm thinking for convex on the king stone, starting with a really angled chamfer on both sides, then chamfering the chamfer, then rounding out the sharp angles the heavy chamfers make.
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  4. #24
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    What hone can't you mention ???

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The only rock I can think of with that kind of stigma is the (stone I can't mention either)* or whatever it's called.

    * ILR?

    I couldn't resist.
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  6. #26
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Not mentioning something because you don't want to deal with negative responses is one thing.... but making it sound like there is an SRP rule against it is simply wrong...

    A quick search shows dozens of threads about the ILR....
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  7. #27
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    Lot harder than you think to do. The convexing is quite small maybe 2-5 mm from center to edge depending on the size of the hone. My old man could eyeball it. I have used a jig in the past. Best used with your finisher. The harder the stone the better since you are not as concerned about dishing and having to reshape the hone again over time.

  8. #28
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    oh i'm sorry, I think I got confused with (stone that causes and uproar) and ( razor i'm not allowed to mention) haha. There is a forum rule about a certain razor if i remember reading at one point.
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  9. #29
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glytch5 View Post
    oh i'm sorry, I think I got confused with (stone that causes and uproar) and ( razor i'm not allowed to mention) haha. There is a forum rule about a certain razor if i remember reading at one point.
    There is no rule about mentioning GD's either, what we do have is a low tolerance for the BS of

    It's Great vs It Sucks blah blah blah 10,000 freaking times been going on for over 8 years, and 1000's of posts...

    If you actually search you will find dozens of threads about GD's also and as long as the don't turn into the BS back and forth or shilling and have real info to give they are fine...

    Same with the ILR, want to talk about the stone and how to use it, fine, want to talk about the BS lies that were told about it's origins and grit ratings it will devolve into BS back and forth and we will shut it down...

    Basically the same rules as every other thread,

    Rock on
    jgkeegan, Slawman and Marshal like this.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    Aerdvaark (01-15-2017), jgkeegan (01-27-2017)

  11. #30
    alx is offline
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    I noticed when following the link to the Dovo factory page that some of the original photo was cropped out, and I found on Google images a more complete photo that show the work bench and the other stones that the craftsperson has at hand. Notice over to the right there is what looks like a concave stone that might be the matching correction stone for the convex stone also see the concave or shaped stone with the depressed middle portion. I would surmise that the bench we see is the final finishing or touch up station, and that the razors bevels were already set and the edges finished before they arrived at this station. The hands we are seeing are totally clean and to me do not look like the hands of someone who just came from the power grinder. This person could be the correction expert or final touch up specialist and his/her touch of the razor to the stone could be just the slightest.

    Alex Gilmore

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