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Thread: Nagura stones or sets

  1. #11
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Before you can get the full benefit of any nagura, you need to make sure that your bevel is set correctly.
    Nagura is nagura, they may vary in speed and somewhat in fineness, but the only thing that will render nagura useless is sand particles in the stone. The rest is proper honing technique.
    Last edited by mainaman; 01-18-2017 at 05:42 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Gonzo4str8rzrs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Srdjan View Post
    I'd say try to shave after Mejiro, try to shave after the Shobudani on slurry and try to shave after the Shobudani on water only. Not full shaves, just try cutting a little bit of stubble, on an area that's particularly tough. Don't forget to strop before! Try to keep no variables in the equation, other than the slurry stones, of course, so use the same razor and strop for the experiment.

    EDIT: Obviously, it would be very nice to hear what you thought about it after
    I will give this a go. The only thing i still will not know is the quality of this setup. I can get a decent edge out of most setups now. I'm no expert, but my beard is super tough and a bad edge or even questionable has no chance on my face. Thanks for your input and i will try this too. I do strop after each progression when using my Jnats for sure, but I have been adding it into my ammunition using synthetics too.
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  3. #13
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Strop after each progression? Is this right? I only strop in the end before shaving or after ive finished honing.

    I cant help you but just wanted to say i bought the same stone it sounds like, and i ordered the same Naguras. Missing the Tomo like you. I havent got the Naguras in hand yet as they should be delivered tomorrow.

    Please keep me informed on how this all goes. Im hoping to give this natural thing a try this weekend. Good luck!
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Stropping between stones is not needed, but cant hurt. Do strop before shaving.

    Did both of you buy from a known and recommended vendor?

    You may pay a bit more, but you get the benefit of their experience/expertise and the ability to ask questions & advice. And they stand behind their stones.

    Which when starting out in a new direction, can be more valuable than the stones themselves.

    A lot of using slurry is technique, as said experiment.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Gonzo4str8rzrs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    Before you can get the full benefit of any nagura, you need to make sure that your bevel is set correctly.
    Nagura is nagura, they may vary in speed and somewhat in fineness, but the only thing that will render nagura useless is sand particles in the stone. The rest is proper honing technique.
    I've been setting bevels and still getting better at it for about three years. I do agree without a good bevel, you have a shiny turd. I believe each stone that comes into my home, makes me go back and learn more about honing. There is nothing easy about honing, even though some say it is. I know when I get a great shave with my steel wool beard, the edge is good for most of the community. There is no cookie cutter method that works on them all. If there was it would not take me so long on some blades to make them truly shave ready. Thanks Mainaman
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Gonzo4str8rzrs's Avatar
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    Agree, my next stones may come from TomoNagura, but working on saving up some funds.
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  7. #17
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I ordered from JNS. As i said, i get my Naguras tomorrow so ill give this a try this weekend. And i fully understand about the setting of the bevel is key. Its #1 in what HAS to be done and done right first. I just getting started in honing so im like a kid with a new toy this weekend. Hope it works out for the OP. I'll be watching.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #18
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    What Stefan said is good advice.

    If you want to know how good your shobu - or any hone is - just raise a normal or light slurry with a WORN diamond plate, hone and shave. Your slurry will be from the base stone only with a diamond plate.

    Cheers, Steve

  9. #19
    Senior Member Gonzo4str8rzrs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    What Stefan said is good advice.

    If you want to know how good your shobu - or any hone is - just raise a normal or light slurry with a WORN diamond plate, hone and shave. Your slurry will be from the base stone only with a diamond plate.

    Cheers, Steve
    Will do, I do that as the last step of my progression when using my jnat. I use a well worn 600

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    Last edited by Gonzo4str8rzrs; 01-19-2017 at 12:13 AM.
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  10. #20
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    How do you check the progress of your edges as you hone? Is it just based on the shave test?

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