Quote Originally Posted by S0LITARYS0LDIER View Post
would 3k be an acceptable jump to a translucent Arkansas and a lot of laps or should I progress higher?

I don't have to Nani 5k pro. It could always be had in the future.

I want to jump from the lowest possible grit without it taking hours upon hours. I don't mind using pressure to speed things up on the Arkansas.
If you don't want it to take hours, then I would suggest progressing higher. If you only wish to consider adding one more hone, you might want to consider skipping the 5k and instead get an 8k. I'm normally a fan of the smallest possible jumps but I'm going off of the parameters you have provided. I think the 3k to 8k to Ark is a lot more doable than the 3k to Ark jump.

There is no Pro 8k but there are other good options, including the Naniwa Specialty 8k.