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Thread: Hone recommendations.

  1. #11
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    I believe that after multiple stroppings to keep a razor keen, the edge becomes concave and requires a reset to 1k eventually. However, Like Utopian said, sometimes you can get away with a 12k refresh, if not then 8k or 4k then onto the reset.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurbineBlade View Post
    I had guessed it was too far gone as when I put the razor on the hone for 8 - 12 passes it doesn't seem to get shave ready sharp, this of course may be down to my technique, however I assumed from this that the stone I have is too fine a grit and not suitable for restoring the edge of my straight. The razor is a thiers issard and the stone is a naniwa 12k.
    Ahh! More information!

    6-12 laps aren't a lot really, try just keeping on honing. Give it 20, shave, then 20 more, etc. The Naniwa is probably cutting better than you think it might be, modern high quality synths cut very well indeed.

    About hones, your conclusion about buying a good hone is sound.

    The cheapest hone is the one you buy only once.

    Cheers, Steve

  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Logic dictates that if you have a 12k Naniwa then the next step down the ladder is the 8k Naniwa then 5k or 3k then finally the 1k

    PS: The 12k naniwa in the right hands can set a bevel, yes it really can..

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  5. #14
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    The same company in Japan that makes King hones also makes Sun Tiger hones. I have a 4k and an 8k Sun Tiger slip stone (so smaller hand held size). They are each about $25.
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  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Another thought is was the razor honed with tape? If so then tape should be used to refresh. Naniwa 12k is a great stone and as already stated is capable of much more.
    Nothing is fool proof, to a sufficiently talented fool...

  7. #16
    Senior Member Iceni's Avatar
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    If you want a poor mans stone then the King 1000/6000 is a reasonable place to start.

    The 1K side will set a bevel no problem.

    The 6K side is very mid range. I personally think it's closer to a 4K stone.

    The other stone I would seriously consider with this is a Naniwa Speciality 8K stone. It'll bridge the gap between the 6K king and the 12K.

    You could try without the 8K stone it will take longer on the 12K to get a perfect polish.

    I went with a similar route when I started to hone. The king is a decent enough stone, and it'll give you the option to buy better mid grit stones when you have the cash (3K, 8K). The 1K side never needs replacing, but when you do think about the 1K naniwa pro stone. It's not a lot more then the speciality but it's a really nice smooth stone that is regarded as been the benchmark bevel setter.
    Real name, Blake

  8. #17
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    You also need to consider how much bevel setting you plan to do. If you are just going to buy a few Ebay vintage razors and that's it you will probably be rarely using a 1k after you set the bevels once.

    Finishers are where it's at for many people.
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  9. #18
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    You can try and buy cheap stones to get by. Best wait a while get a 1k Naniwa Superstone to set bevels, a 3k Naniwa SS, a 5k SS, an 8k SS to go with your 12 k. That 4 stone purchase will be fine not just in the short term, it will still be a fine progression that will be great in 5 years or longer. In the long run its way better to outlay what would be no more than $200ish for all four. You can still find Naniwa superstones on ebay on stands at great prices. Like most of us, the first stones we buy aren't in the line up long, most move to others, the Chosera, Shapton, etc. If my 1St stones were nani 1,3,5,8,12, the only thing I'd add would be the gok 20. That's 5 years down the track.

  10. #19
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I think the Naniwa Traditional 1k would be a better choice over the SuperStone 1k.
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  11. #20
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    I only mentioned the 1k superstone, bearing in mind the expense issue of the member starting this thread. You can pick up a 1k SS for $29 on '330mate'

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