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Thread: New Chosera 1k and Coticule - A Couple of Questions from a Newbie

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt1222 View Post
    It's funny you mention the source of the hair. My wife's hairbrush hairs yield no result at all, where my beard hairs from my beard brush actually work. I can't figure out why one does and one doesn't. But knowing it's not the end all end all test makes me feel better about a shave test.
    The hair from your wife's brush is likely thinner/finer. Harder for the blade to catch. Beard hair by contrast is thicker.

    Once a blade can be drawn over my arm above skin level and pop a few arm hairs I give it a shave test. Or sometimes skip straight to a shave test. It's Tshirt weather and I look awfully funny with hair on only one arm.

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    How well did the HHT work when you tested it on a DE blade ???
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  3. #13
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt1222 View Post
    Hello all!

    I've just purchased a Chosera 1k as a bevel setter to go along with my coticule. I am very new to honing and I have a couple of questions regarding this set up.

    1. Does the Chosera need to be lapped upon receipt? If so, what is a good lapping option?

    2. After setting the bevel on the 1k stone, can I go straight to the coticule with water only or is the dilucot method needed?

    3. If I do need a slurry, what consistency am I looking for right when coming off the 1k to the coticule?

    4. Should i be diluting the slurry my periodically adding water or will the razor breakdown the slurry on its own? Combination of both?

    Thanks very much for the help! I definitely need it!
    While there it is possible to get a shave ready edge going from 1k to coticule on water, it's not something I would encourage; it takes quite a while.

    Further more, I would advise leaving the dilucot for what it is for a while and start with the unicot method to anyone new to coticule honing (although it's a viable option for more experienced honers, too; I still use it after about 5 years of coticule honing, whenever I feel like it). It's also a good option to see how your stone works as a finisher. It is pertinent that you don't deviate too much from the method, as it relies on creating a secondary bevel and that is only possible with a rather limited amount of strokes.

    And no, coticule slurry does not really break down.

    And as mentioned above: make absolutely sure your bevel is finished. It is the most important part of sharpening, well, anything really.

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  5. #14
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    My wife's hair does work on a DE blade and on other straights professionally honed. However I did do a shave test this morning and I was able to get a decent shave. Not the keenest edge by any means but it wasn't a painful shave. I'll take that as progress. I am still looking for the razor to do a significant grab on the stone. I have gotten some suction and a bit of a grab grab but nothing like in the honing videos I've seen. Any thoughts on how to get a keener result?

  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Careful what you wish for. When my coticule grabs a blade like in the videos, I'm in for a hard ride. It's kind of like it increases pressure on the blade resulting in deeper stria. Nothing good comes of it with my stone, and it's made me a little leery of that sticking sensation with other hones. It kind of makes sense, when the stone grips the blade you'll be prone to push harder to overcome that friction. We all know too much pressure is the enemy.

    Ideas off the cuff, I use slick wet shave lather with almost every hone I have to finalize the edge. You could try this since the lather will just wash away with no worry about it seeping into the stone like oil would. I believe Longhaultanker uses his coticule dry and reports fair results, so that may be something to look into. For my coticule I use a thinned out mineral oil. Thinned out so that it doesn't stick as you described, because with straight mineral oil it will grab worse than pure water with just as poor a result. My coticule is also a royal PITA, I hope yours is friendlier!

    Last thought, my coticule is by far and away not the keenest stone in my line up. I would say as far as keen goes, it's a side step from my Norton 8K. 1 pass will not shave as close as a single pass with the edges left by my other stones. 2 passes with a blade honed on my coticule will get me just about as close as 2 passes with a blade honed by anything else. BUT it is the most forgiving edge in that it wants to shave hair, not filet skin. Which also makes it the least irritating and most comfortably shaving edge out of my small line up of hones.

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  8. #16
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    My travel Coticule I often use dry. It is so hard, fine, glassy, dry works just fine. For my larger 2 Coticules, slurry, dilute, clear water, all throughout looking for that grabbing sensation. Since I watched drmatt357 at YouTube, his 4 videos, I use this as my general guide. The grabbing sensation lets you know the stone has giving you all it has to give. It's time then to stop, not push through, as I understand what he (drmatt357) said.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

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  10. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Yes it can be done easily even on my Coti which is NOT good as anything but a finisher

    One little hint You should be able to shave off the 1K BEFORE you go to the Coti yes really

    As to 1 stone honing take a look here for some hints and tricks

    Hone On
    Thanks Glen.

    It's possible and with practice easy to use only a Coticule. You can even set the bevel with one.

    Using heavy slurry and dilute after every 20-30 laps, depending on how fast the hone is. ( you Can check progress with a loupe).

    Must old barbers used only one hone. All it takes is practice...

    When you are on water only do 30 laps, no pressure. Then strop on canvas 10-20 laps, then it should pop armhair 5 mm over the skin.

    Then strop on leather and you finished.

    Must important rule is to use consistent strokes.

    And as everybody else mentioned all hones need to be lapped flat.

    Regards Kristian.

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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristian View Post
    Thanks Glen.

    It's possible and with practice easy to use only a Coticule. You can even set the bevel with one.

    Using heavy slurry and dilute after every 20-30 laps, depending on how fast the hone is. ( you Can check progress with a loupe).

    Must old barbers used only one hone. All it takes is practice...

    When you are on water only do 30 laps, no pressure. Then strop on canvas 10-20 laps, then it should pop armhair 5 mm over the skin.

    Then strop on leather and you finished.

    Must important rule is to use consistent strokes.

    And as everybody else mentioned all hones need to be lapped flat.

    Regards Kristian.

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    So I just got myself a lighted lupe. What exactly am I looking for on the edge? I was
    Relatively happy with the shave I got from the razor I honed, but I am always looking to improve and hopefully get the keenest edge I can from my stone. (It is a La Viennette if that tells anyone anything about its characteristics). How can a lupe help and any thoughts on how I could improve the HHT responsiveness of the razor?

    Thanks to everyone for all the help!

  12. #19
    Senior Member Kristian's Avatar
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    Well when the edge is set, there will be some fairly deep scratch patterns on the edge.

    But the razor will shave armhair on contact with skin.

    After 30 laps, a lot of the scratch should be removed.

    Each dilution should remove some scratch until it's looks evenly sandblasted. When you come to the last stage, a mirror finish starts to emerge. A coticule will never be completely mirror finish, but when it's beginning to shine, your razor is properly finished.

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  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Kristian For This Useful Post:

    Matt1222 (05-08-2017)

  14. #20
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    A quick update for everyone that has helped me out over the past few days with my first honing venture. I was able to get the blade to pass the HHT all along the edge and have a very nice and comfortable shave this morning. I am starting to learn the nuisances of my stone and have a bit of fun in the process. Thanks to everyone for your help, advice, and input. I could not have accomplished anything without it. On another note, I think I may have come down with a case of HAD.

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