Depends on what metric we're using I suppose.

I don't have the shapton Kuro 8K, and aside from the 1Ks I can't compare same to same. The Shapton 1K is fast and very aggressive, whether that's a positive or a negative in terms of razor honing is up to the user to decide. But I suggest following up with the 2K as that leaves a much nicer edge. For razors if the edge isn't damaged too badly I'd rather use the slightly slower, less aggressive Norton 1K. But I'll bust out the Shapton if it needs major work at the 1k stage to speed things along.

Norton only goes to 8K, Shapton Kuros go up to 12K. Shapton Kuros are splash 'n go, Norton 1K & 4K need to be soaked which can be a bit bothersome. It's not a major inconvenience but at this point soaking is a partial strike against a hone. The Shapton hones have a more uniform feel through the range of hones. So in those respects I give the nod to Shapton, but by the same token I typically finish on natural stones. These typically range from 8K to 10K-ish (my "12K" Cnat included). So I don't see a point in honing up to 12K then rolling the edge back on a natural stone. And trying to go from 5K to the naturals is slower than using the 8K Norton as a jumping point.

For my purposes, the Nortons are usually a better fit than the Shaptons I have at my disposal. 1/4/8/natural vs 1/2/5/12?/natural. There's not a significant speed difference between either set in my hands. And since my final edge is typically from a natural hone the end point is going to be the same regardless which set I opt to use to transition from 1K to final hone. It helps that the Norton 1K is less aggressive, even if it is also a very thirsty hone and I practically have to hone with a spray bottle in my left hand to keep it adequately wet.