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  • 1 Post By TristanLudlow

Thread: Coticule backers.

  1. #1
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Default Coticule backers.

    I’m curious of the different stones they use for coticules. Up until this weekend most that I’ve seen and all of the ones I have are backed with bbw. I know they use a type of slate these days. What sparked my interest is a couple of hones I saw on eBay this weekend. Name:  B67B3C29-1EC5-49A3-BAD6-6007FA15B33B.jpg
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    The first stone is on its way to me. It appears to be slate.
    The second is the really interesting one. It almost looks like a Tam, but the spots seem darker like granite. Has anyone ever seen this? Also is there a time frame they switched to slate or was it just what they had on hand? I ask because the stone that’s on its way to me is out of a barbers collection from the 40s. Thank you all in advance for your knowledge!

  2. #2
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    All the vintage ones I bought were all BBWs, some looked like slate, but after lapping it unveiled sweet looking BBWs
    I noticed that BBW sides weres sometimes heavily used, and I love using them as well

    There's a TON of different BBW types, they're gorgeous stones if you ask me
    BWH1980 likes this.

  3. #3
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    1st stone looks like a synthetic coticule to me, 2nd is just bbw, some look that way

  4. #4
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    yep, what kcb said, it's a bbw backing. Some just look like they have larger crystals in them than others... especially vintage ones. In my experience the ones that look like that generate a much more reddish slurry than most of the ones being produced today. unsure why that is, but that's just been my experience. most definitely a bbw though
    One man's opinion...

  5. #5
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Interesting thank you gentleman!

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