Hi! I知 relatively experienced when it comes to shaving, but honing, is a new chapter for me, and right now, it痴 causing me some trouble.

I知 shaving with a Dovo Bismarck blade.
Hones are as follows: 1 k Chosera, 4K/8k norton.

All right, so here is my major problem.

After practising x-strokes and the circle method. I知 getting my knife nice and sharp(cutting off arm hair) off of my Chosera. However, when I move on to my norton 4K, and follow up with the exact same methods, my knife becomes dull. Went back and forth on those several times.

Its driving me nuts.

I flattened all stones. Yet it feels like my Chosera is rather smoother than my 4K. But that might just be the material they are made of.

But... what am I doing wrong??

