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Thread: 8k synthetic options?

  1. #1
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    Default 8k synthetic options?

    Might be selling my current naniwa 8k (with naniwa 3k I got them as set but they are thin ones and I like to hand hone, Had few close calls better safe then sorry). I was just going to get the thick SS naniwa 8k but wanted to ask if anyone thought I should look at another stone first.

    I have plenty of naturals and don't really need the 8k synth. I have chosera 1k, ss5k, and ss 12k (these are regular thick ones)
    Although I want 8k synthetic just as benchmark when testing any other naturals that might catch my eye.

    Preferably looking for splash and go
    was thinking about also looking at shapton water stones or maybe the snow white but I hear it needs to soak. Also I think there is a naniwa fuji that is suppose to be another 8k?

    Although at end of day it is just an 8k and I will probably just wait for one on BST or a sale to grab a splash n go 8k that is thick enough for hand honing. I do like to hear what the people of SRP have to say

  2. #2
    Senior Member Maladroit's Avatar
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    The Norton 8k stand alone (i.e. not the 4k/8k combo) is thick enough to easily hand hold - it does need some soaking but nowhere near as much as the 4k.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    If you can find one of the old Snow Whites that would be ideal. I have heard the new ones are very similar but still not quite the same. I would think any of the brand name 8k's would get you where you want to go though. Good luck!
    One man's opinion...

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Yeah, what Maladroit said. If you're a Nani guy you may not be interested in the Norton 8, but I love mine; I even posted about its status for me as a benchmark finisher in another thread-I love the edges it gives me when I take my time and really max it out!
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  6. #5
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    Yea I had the norton 4k/8k when I started and it is a really nice hone I just not a fan of the soaking is all. Thanks for the replies

  7. #6
    32t is offline
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    You appear to like the one you have so I would just get a holder or mount it on a board to give my fingers clearance rather than buying a thicker one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    You appear to like the one you have so I would just get a holder or mount it on a board to give my fingers clearance rather than buying a thicker one.
    Hand honing for life! Also found someone sort of new to honing interested so would be making 2 happy campers. Although if they decide not to get the stones I might just glue the 3k and 8k together(maybe some other backing) so that they are almost normal size.
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  10. #8
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    The same brand you should be safe. The only thing that worries me about gluing is a possible difference in expansion and contraction with different materials.
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  11. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    My S.S. 12k is one of the thin ones. I got a pieces of white granite tile at the hardware store and had a friend cut it to size. Then glued it with epoxy. Its now the same thickness as all the rest of my stones. Easy!
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  12. #10
    Senior Member Robini's Avatar
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    I attached mine to aluminum plates. Works great!!

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