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Thread: Slim Litle Hone-Boy

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Slim Litle Hone-Boy

    Cheers Gentelmen,

    recently I got this little tiny slimmy stone in mail.
    As arrived it looked black with complettely glazy surface (was thinking its a sort of oil and swarf mixture).

    Lapped carefully the surface, the little friend is quite hard has almost slipped over the 280 grit sandpaper.
    Needed first to work a bit at the same place to generate some dark grey slurry and then the lapping got a slow progress.
    It seems to be harder then my Zulu Grey.
    Lapped the surface up to 3000 grit sandpaper it came out very smooth with velvet feeling to my fingers.
    Also some structure has appeared (see pics), so its dark grey with black pattern.

    After working an old testing razor a while on it the surface started to glaze again.

    Here some pics:
    Name:  IMG-2528.jpg
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    Looking its surface under microscope (160x) the structure is quite fine, maybe something between Thuringian and Schwedenstein.
    Name:  IMG-2287.jpg
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    (Pics are usable in the center only due to defocus issues of my system)

    Any Idea what species could it be?

    Dimentions: 13cm x 22mm x 4mm (damn slim boy!)

    P.S. Should be a finisher I, looking forward to more experience with it!


    Last edited by Philipp78; 03-29-2018 at 09:50 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Philipp78 For This Useful Post:

    Toroblanco (03-29-2018)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Nice! I have found similar hones attached to wooden razor boxes. Both the sliding from end top and the swing to the side type. Also the really long four sided paddle strops have similar but longer ones1" by 10" or so.
    Long skinnies are a find!!
    Name:  Strop boxes.JPG
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    The 4 razor hone strop to the right does not have the hone but is similar to those that do.
    Some folks modify antique pencil boxes to be razor strop boxes and also the really fancy Cigar flip top, single magnum cigar, boxes.
    Last edited by Geezer; 03-29-2018 at 02:53 PM.
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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    Toroblanco (03-29-2018)

  5. #3
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    I too would think it is some kind of paddle stone. My guess would have been a Swende but you have one alwready to compare. Stumps me but i'm sure somebody will chime in later with a answer. Nice pics! Trust me I know it is very hard to take good pictures of the surface close up! Nice job!

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