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Thread: New stone, curious about label.

  1. #1
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Default New stone, curious about label.

    Name:  D51D751F-359E-4AE2-98DF-0505E239D64C.jpg
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    So I’ve had the B.T.Co labeled stone for awhile. I just received the unlabeled one today. When I first post about the B.T stone
    Doorsch in post #9 pointed out that the B.T.Co label was never placed as such. Now I have come to respect him as one of the premier aficionados of stones. I can only one day hope for the time to research as much as he has.

    So back to the question, were the color labels about the same size as the B.T label(30mmX17mm) ? I’m simply curious because they are more or less the same size stones. Most color labels I’ve seen look larger. Under the loupe there are definitely label remnants. Name:  E55158AD-072C-4928-8379-B04827DB09FF.jpg
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    Thank y’all for your time and knowledge!
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    Enjoy the day,

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    A very nice catch, to be sure! I await the ;lapping and shave test,or not, as you please!
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    - Oscar Wilde

  3. #3
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BWH1980 View Post
    Name:  D51D751F-359E-4AE2-98DF-0505E239D64C.jpg
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    So I’ve had the B.T.Co labeled stone for awhile. I just received the unlabeled one today. When I first post about the B.T stone
    Doorsch in post #9 pointed out that the B.T.Co label was never placed as such. Now I have come to respect him as one of the premier aficionados of stones. I can only one day hope for the time to research as much as he has.

    So back to the question, were the color labels about the same size as the B.T label(30mmX17mm) ? I’m simply curious because they are more or less the same size stones. Most color labels I’ve seen look larger. Under the loupe there are definitely label remnants. Name:  E55158AD-072C-4928-8379-B04827DB09FF.jpg
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    Thank y’all for your time and knowledge!
    Thanks for youre words! I well aprreciate it!

    You mean the other side labels ? Which were put on Escher and SRD Stones?
    If so these labels were less wide.....didnt measure them or have a stone near me right now....

    As mentioned earlier in the old Post, the BTC label just looks to bad placed there. Seems more somebody cut it out and sealed it to the side
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  4. #4
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Thank you Richard. I started to lap it this morning, it seems to be between the yellow/green and a darker blue that I have. I’m excited for the test shave as well.

    Yes Doorsch the side labels that usually say the color. I personally sealed the label on the B.T.Co stone I think a before picture was posted in that thread.
    You have more than earned the words my friend!

    When I got the B.T.Co stone, it seemed as if it never had a bottom label. I believe it was Richard whom posted years ago, about an Escher labeled stone in a B.T.Co box. If I’m not mistaken they took over from Escher. I’m wondering if it is possible that the stamp on the end was the way they marked their stones, after selling off the labeled Escher they had left. I’m going to inspect the stone closer this weekend. It seemed the new stone never had a bottom label. Do you think that could be possible?
    Geezer and doorsch like this.
    Enjoy the day,

  5. #5
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BWH1980 View Post
    When I got the B.T.Co stone, it seemed as if it never had a bottom label. I believe it was Richard whom posted years ago, about an Escher labeled stone in a B.T.Co box. If I’m not mistaken they took over from Escher. I’m wondering if it is possible that the stamp on the end was the way they marked their stones, after selling off the labeled Escher they had left. I’m going to inspect the stone closer this weekend. It seemed the new stone never had a bottom label. Do you think that could be possible?
    Hey Benson, well its a bit more complicated. But in the end i would say there never was a kind of sellout of Escher Hones @ Bösenberg Trinks & Co. (BTC)

    BTC was a kind of joint Venture of Escher & Co. and the German subsidiary of Pike MFG (Pike und Escher Schleifmaterialien GmbH).

    Later BTC was transferred with some other companies into the Schleifmittel Aktiengesellschaft (SAG). SAG still sold Escher hones the following years....

    SAG Catalogue 1930:

    But interesting ist that under BTC they sold Thuringian hones with an Eagle, it says Adler Abziehstein. Those stones were still left after SAG was founded and was also offered in the SAG Catalogue.

    Last edited by doorsch; 03-31-2018 at 01:32 AM.
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  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

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  7. #6
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Thank you that is great information! is SAG similar to Sears Roebuck? I noticed the eagle labels stones didn’t have a color choice. Do you think it is because it they mined the layers out or lack of demand? I great appreciate the knowledge you share with us! I dig the eagle label, I assume these are pretty rare as this is the first I’ve seen. They may be a label I’d be willing to pay for.
    Geezer likes this.
    Enjoy the day,

  8. #7
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BWH1980 View Post
    Thank you that is great information! is SAG similar to Sears Roebuck? I noticed the eagle labels stones didn’t have a color choice. Do you think it is because it they mined the layers out or lack of demand? I great appreciate the knowledge you share with us! I dig the eagle label, I assume these are pretty rare as this is the first I’ve seen. They may be a label I’d be willing to pay for.
    Hey Benson, no SAG in my sense could not really be compared to Sears. Sears was one of the American Catalogue companies. As far as i know a whole bunch of things could had been ordered at Sears, the catalogues mostly had several hundred pages.

    SAG was a wholeseller of Sharpening stones and Grinding stones. They had two Company locations one in Sonneberg an one in Hamburg. The first and their headquarter was in Sonneberg, Hamburg later followed....the had a storage location directly at the harbour in Hamburg (Brook 1) where they had their entry point into the international market. They had a classical company constellation with a managing director and their investors better said their company owners. They always kept their shares as SAG was a joint stock company.

    Here is one of their shares:
    Last edited by doorsch; 03-31-2018 at 08:10 PM.
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  10. #8
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Here are some pictures from Hamburg

    Cremon is one of the historical streets in Hamburg, their Building was based at Deichstrasse 54. Actually the Building doesnt exist anymore today:

    A view into the waterway, on the left behind the buildings Cremon street, their Building probably stood on the right side towards the end:

    Hamburg Speicherstadt (transl. Storage City), here they had their storing location and their import/export connection to the market:

    The Hamburg Harbour at Night:
    Last edited by doorsch; 03-31-2018 at 08:28 PM.
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  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to doorsch For This Useful Post:

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  12. #9
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    That is really cool. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and pictures!
    I’m going to have to take a trip over that way. There is so much history.
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    Enjoy the day,

  13. #10
    Senior Member BWH1980's Avatar
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    Got it lapped.
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    Im digging the molting in this one. Running a razor over it, it seems harder then the others. The only one that seems harder is the short stone on the end, which I’m not sure is a thuri. That one may be a la’lune.
    Here is a picture of my other thuri’s wet and dry. It is the second from the right.Name:  45114DDA-85D8-4EB0-BC68-4633FC525C4F.jpg
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    I know I need to build a light box. My apologies for the bad pictures.
    Last edited by BWH1980; 04-01-2018 at 01:29 AM.
    Geezer, mlvallance and RusenBG like this.
    Enjoy the day,

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to BWH1980 For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (04-01-2018)

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