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Thread: Finishing hone

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by gcbryan View Post
    I think it's interesting that at one time or another "everyone" recommends the Naniwa 12K as a finisher but no one seems to actually use one for long.

    It's similar to talking about Coticule edges. Does anyone actually finish on a Coticule? It seems that there is always an Escher or Jnat used after that so what is the attraction to the Coticule?

    I'm not being snarky here. I really am interested in the answers.
    Personally, a 12K Naniwa is all I have used as a finish hone since I started to learn to hone several years ago. I have and tried another finish hone but don't use it anymore. At present I see no reason to try other finish hones as I get what I want from the 12K Naniwa but that is just me.

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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    If you actually believe that no one uses a Naniwa 12k for long then there should be plenty of used ones for sale. Yet how often do they come up?
    I don't follow the market for used hones. I don't have a "belief" regarding this, just questions and observations. The Naniwa 12k is usually recommended to every new honer but it seems to me those with experience rarely use it as their finisher.

    That doesn't necessarily mean that everyone sells theirs. Some people seem to have many, many hones so not everything not commonly used is necessarily being sold.

    Many people start out with Coticules and then get into Jnats and many still keep their Coticules but you've got to wonder how often the Coticules are being used.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My guess as to how many or how few finish hones one has depends on how curious you are to see if there are any differences between them, looking for the ultimate edge instead of one that works well enough or just plain have HAD. My other guess is that those that have many only really use one or two on a regular basis. Each to their own.

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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    The 12k is always reccomened because it's an easy to use hone, consistant and provides a great shave. Problem with us hobby honers is we're always searching for that magical hone.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    I'm with Bob and Mark on this one.
    I have the 1,5,8,12K Naniwas, but hardly use them anymore. I prefer to set my bevel on a 1000 Chosera, and work from there with naturals and slurry.

    Its all about what the edge feels and shaves like. Keen but comfortable, comfort is the biggest thing for me.

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  7. #16
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    I can testify to Outback Mikes sharpening skills. The man puts a mighty fine edge on a razor.

  8. #17
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    Thanks for the replies.

    I am using a Norton 4/8K hone to finish at this point.
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  9. #18
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    I'm finishing with a Nani 12k right now. Played with a Coti bout and enjoyed the edge, but preferred the 12k. I see it being in my progression even when I finally pull the trigger on a JNat.

    some where in "honing forum" (I think or in the "hone" forum) marty has a thread taking a razor from bevel set to finish only using the 12k SS. It's popular for the reasons mentioned above.
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  10. #19
    Senior Member alpla444's Avatar
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    I got a Naniwa 12k back end of last week, but I have NOT honed with it yet, but will this weekend, I will leave my thoughts about it after I have used it, I have SG20k, Charnley Forest, Escher, Coti and even Slate that I use as finishers so I have a a bit of an Idea how to rate it to other edges.
    outback and neehooya like this.

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  12. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    I've enjoyed edges off of the Naniwa 12k since 2012, alternating between that finishing hone and an Escher depending upon the razor. A few months ago I picked up a barely used SG20k at a great price. Honestly, I could happily shave off any of these 3 hones and be quite content.

    A well-regarded honemeister often claims, "The edge off of the Naniwa 12k is hard to beat at any price." I have no plans on selling mine that's for sure.

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