Managed to pick these up off of the bay for much less than I figured they'd go for. I was pleasantly surprised when I won them and they will all have their place in my hone arsenal.
Vintage BBW backed Coti(6"×1.5"):
Name:  20190503_162020.jpg
Views: 144
Size:  13.4 KB
Name:  20190503_162028.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  13.8 KB
Name:  20190503_162039.jpg
Views: 143
Size:  18.3 KB
Buck Washita:
Name:  20190503_161916.jpg
Views: 153
Size:  18.5 KB
Tam O'Shanter(6.5"×0.5"):
Name:  20190503_161850.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  13.1 KB
Name:  20190503_161858.jpg
Views: 146
Size:  16.5 KB