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05-16-2019, 03:41 PM #1
Seven Series Glass Stone experiences
A little while ago, there was a thread about the Seven Series Glass Stones from Shapton. Many opted to go just to the highest grit stone, to get an affordable option to the pricier larger version. I decided (on Sunday) to pick up 4 stones for a full progression based on my preferences I've learned over the years.
Some might remember that I already have a 1,2,5,8 &12k progression in the Naniwa SS line. Why buy another progression? Firstly, my father is working on his honing and learning on my stones, so I only have natural finishing stones. Second, I have grown to dislike not hand holding my stones. Simply prefer the increased feel and the control. It is doable with the Naniwa stones, but uncomfortable for me. Plus, HAD, ya know?
So, these Seven series stones seemed to fit the bill and I decided on the 11, 6.5, 3 &1.2 micron stones. Figuring worth a shot to skip every other stone, keep the price reasonable. If I had gotten everything I wanted in the larger version (plus the holder) the cost would have been $700, this set cost me $250. The naniwas was closer to $400 for the set.
I opted against the "kit" shapton offers for a number of reasons. First, those progression jumps are ridiculous for me. I'm pretty decent at honing, but not that good. Second, I could get 4 stones and a diamond plate for near the same price. That would leave me out a stone holder, but that's moot since I want to hand hold anyways.
Since both CKTG and Sharpening Supplies are based in WI, I got them silly fast and was able to lap and refresh a test razor. They got harder to lap as I went up in grit with a 8" x 3" Fine DMT.
Overall, I had a great session last night with them. My boker took a great edge, but since I have used this razor for years, it didn't require dropping to the lowest stone (which I did anyways). The gap between the 3 and 1.2 micron may be on the large side, but some extra laps handled it well. There were some errant scratches that lead me to believe a hair more lapping required on the 1.2 micron stone. They all were not too flat and gritty upon unboxing. Especially the 11 micron, felt like it was almost covered in sand.
Next step is to take a new to me ebay special that needs some chip removal and a full bevel set, see how these do with that.
TL;DR: I really like this series, very economical and efficient.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dinnermint For This Useful Post:
Gasman (05-16-2019), ScoutHikerDad (05-16-2019)
05-16-2019, 05:30 PM #2
Very nice John.
If they are anything like the full size Shapton Glass stones, and I suspect they are, you're gonna love them.
The full size are so fast and efficient that It's hard for me to pick up anything else but a finisher now.
They look to be the perfect size for hand holding.
My guess is that your other stones might start collecting dust now.
Pete <:-}"Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss Slowly,
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret ANYTHING
That makes you smile." - Mark Twain
05-16-2019, 06:58 PM #3
Thanks for sharing your experiance with these stones. Now to figure out micron to grit.
It's just Sharpening, right?
05-17-2019, 02:58 PM #4
They are quite fun stones. Part of the goal is to upgrade my kit so my father can just keep my old stones. Hopefully, he'll keep them free of dust!
The chart I used was this one
So the should be (roughly) 1500, 3000, 8000, 13000 grit stones. Though the 3000 to 8000 step feels and appears like a smaller gap than compared to my Naniwa 5000 to 8000 jump. But the 8000 to 13000 jump feels larger than the jump from 8000 to 12000 is the super stones.
One thing that is important to note, I typically get whiteheads on my chin from very polished edges with any excess pressure during the shave. Almost impossible to avoid with the Naniwa 12k. However, with the glass stone edge, I had no whitehead issues and had extra sensitive skin from a poor previous shave.
I'll have time tomorrow to work on another couple razors and I'll post my results here.