I have a method I've been working out. I posted about it in Steve's Arkansas thread, kind of a tutorial...ish. I've refined it some since then but I can go all the way from beville set to finish with three stones, the one rainbow streaked one on either side, one block mounted one which I think might be a washita that I burnished as smooth as I could get it and then this little stone on either side. It's a lot of strokes, maybe a thousand or more but the finish product is laser keen and as smooth as can be. My idea was to capture what guys did decades or even a century or more ago when they really didn't have the option of magnification and just had to have a method that they tested and worked so they could trust it. I have nothing against magnification and in fact I do look at the edges sometimes but I've been trying to get the method or set of methods that I can use for about any razor which gives lightning strike shaves that are smooth just by working the method and some hair and thumbnail tests. So far it's been pretty successful. I haven't used it on every single variable but I've used it on full wedges, full hollow grinds, some in between grinds as well as some old Sheffield blades and also super hard American and Russian steel. It's not bug-free yet but at least I've gotten a lot of really nice shaves out of it.