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Thread: Shapton Sharpening Stone Holder and Mod

  1. #1
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Default Shapton Sharpening Stone Holder and Mod

    I’ve been looking for a holder for the Shapton Glass Stones that would give me more clearance. I saw Glen using the Shapton Sharpening Stone Holder in the ‘tape/no tape’ video and asked him how he liked it, and he liked it a lot so I ordered one. It arrived and guess what? Glen was right, it is very good.

    But the deck is not adjustable, so you’re limited to 8” stones. Or are you? I had a spare piece of stone-sized glass for turning Pros or Naniwas into ‘glass stones’ (but anything that size would work). So I sprayed it with adhesive, laid it on some soft plastic shelf paper like I use on my jeweler’s block, and trimmed around it. That makes a non-slip surface that just sits in the holder like a stone, and now almost any stone can be used.

    Cheers, Steve
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    My doorstop is a Nakayama

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  3. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I too have one of these holders and really enjoy it.
    JOB15 and Steve56 like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #3 JOB15's Avatar
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    Good idea...
    The Shapton pond is worth the money too. It gives you the ability to lap stones without anything moving.

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