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Thread: Norton Ascent

  1. #1
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    Default Norton Ascent

    New ultra fine ceramic from Norton. Could make a good finisher. Seems similar to something like the Spyderco UF. What are people's experiences with ceramic stones? I don't ever see much about them.

  2. #2
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I dunno. Link offers no numbers. For knives I think.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It says a finish comparable to an 8K so I guess you could use it in place of an 8K in your progression. First I’ve heard of them.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  4. #4
    Ecl is offline
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    Kinda pricey for a 6K (jis) -at least in the 8x3 size - stone, though the extra hardness would be very helpful for doing chisels and plane blades. I may look into one of these for those kinds of things.

    I am grateful for the reminder about Sharpening Supplies. I've been trying for weeks to remember where I got my favorite paddle strop, and no other vendor has the one I want. The computer with the all the good sharpening links died suddenly and I lost all the browser-based goodies I'd relied on for so long. Anyway, I'm ordering a bunch of strops and thinking about this new Norton.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thp001 View Post
    New ultra fine ceramic from Norton. Could make a good finisher. Seems similar to something like the Spyderco UF. What are people's experiences with ceramic stones? I don't ever see much about them.
    I have a Spiderco Fine I picked up for 25$. One side I polished-flattened more with a ExtraFine diamond plate and It is nice to shave off of. It actually performs remarkablly similar to my Dans Black, about the same speed and face feel. I still think the arkansas is a bit nicer shave howver it is slim margin. The SpydercCo feels better to shave with than my Shapton kuromaku 12k or Norton 8K atleast. I like to think of it as a modern two sized barber hone.

    I dont know if i would be paying the prices for these Norton accents however. I havent seen many razor user reviews of them and Id probably rather just pick up a dans black arkansas for cheaper.

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