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  1. #1
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Default King waterstone.

    Has anyone ever honed a razor with the King 1000/6000 grit waterstone?

    I remember some discussion of this stone a while back. But I can't find it of course. I remember something about it being a near alternative to the Norton. I just saw it for sale recently and remembered the name but not the specifics.

  2. #2
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    i have one of the 220/1000 king and a 6000 king waterstone. i have used the 1000 pretty well to set bevels, and the 6000. i used this for a couple of razors and shaved off of them. i then bought a 12k chinese from woodcraft to finish with. i found that i could not get an irritation free shave without the 12k. however i think that if i was using maybe a pasted paddle or strop i would have been fine without the 12k.

    i am now waiting on a norton combo just for my HAD.


    btw, freakin' heavy stone.

  3. #3
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Let me know how the King compares to the Norton. Help me keep from giving in to my HAD

  4. #4
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    King stones are a great ecconamy stone, not worth a darn on stainless though. But I find that issue a pluss

    I've used the 1200 and 6k for a couple years before I got my norton stones. While I'm more in the line of the 4k/8k Norton you can deffenatly get by with the King line up. Norton is a step up though in consistancy of grit and steel friendly use.

    This is based on kitchen knives mostly as I already had the Norton when I got heavy into straights. Now I'm replacing thoise stones with Shapton GS stones as well as natural stones... ugh....

  5. #5
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    I'm currently using the King stones I got from Woodcraft. I've got a 1200/8000 and 1000/6000 combo stones. Ill use the 1200 to set bevels, unless it needs some real work, which is when I use the 1000. So far, I've gotten really good edges on them, including on a stainless blade I just did today and shave tested. Of course I run them through to a 12k Chinese stone and a pasted strop. For the money, they seem to be pretty good.

  6. #6
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    I've always thought of the King stones as a step down from Norton. Maybe they work, and maybe they work well, but if you've got HAD (at least my strain of HAD) then you'd be better off going for the finest stones possible.

    That said, I don't own any kings. So a grain of salt is in order.

  7. #7
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    For the last year I've used only the 1000/6000 King stone (from my carpentry days) and a pasted strop, and have been pleased with the results. It's fairly soft so it cuts quickly but also dishes quickly, so you'll be lapping it each time you use it.

    Not aware of any issues honing stainless, but then again I recently got a 12k stone in an effort to tame an unruly Friodur. We'll see when I pick it up again...

    IMHO, the King and Norton stones have a bit of overlap. When the King wears out I'll probably pick up a Norton, but not before.

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