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  1. #1
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    Default Honing set - Question about Shapton lapping


    I was looking for some honing stones (Just starting).

    - At first I wanted to take Norton 4/8 to coticule (Read a lot about it, saw Lynn video and ... I am Belgian living in the US ...)

    - After talking to Howard, he recommended Shapton Glass. Looked ok to me. Set +- 230$ expensive but no more than Norton + Coticule. Now looking in more details I see that the holder = 75$ and lapping plate is ... an additional 280$ !!!. That just more than double the investment right there.

    So my question is :
    1) Do you need the lapping plate with the Shapton Glass ?
    2) Should I consider the naniwa which are a little cheaper and lapping plate is 22$ or stick with the Shapton.

    Any suggestion ? Experience ?


  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    i have not used shapton, but i've looked into it. dmt coarse would work for lapping, even if not as fast as the lapping plate and would wear faster.

    it makes very little difference what do you get. what is important is to learn to use what you have.

    i use naniwa because i like the feedback and because i don't like how porous the norton is.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The DMT 325C D8C continuous lapping plate will do the job and the Naniwas are my favs right now. I've got the Shapton pro stones and they are good but I like the Naniwa superstones better. Gugi is correct in that the important thing is to learn to use what you have. They are all good.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    If you are in the mood for shaptons, you don't have to have a DGLP. You could get a cheaper lower grit stone and lap that with your DMT then lap the Shapton. Worked for me for long time. If you look at Japanese instructions on pro lapping this is one method suggested by the Japanese to the Japanese. (marketing forces you know)Shapton glass stones don't dish so easy either so it is not like you will have to do more than a couple refreshing strokes unless you are doinng boatloads of razors and other stuff.

    Here is link translated from Japanese.
    Last edited by Kingfish; 08-16-2009 at 10:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    also pros, at least the older line required lots more lapping than glass. FMHE

  6. #6
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    I don't think you can go wrong with 4k/8k and bbw/coti combo/ lapping with dmtc i find is exallant tryed the norton one and not as nice. At least yo have manmade and naturals to play with then you could get some ch.5 oxide. bevel setter i'd prefer the nanwa 1k to norton 1k because the norton 1k is very porous. If you would prefer same brand then get full set of naniwas they are very easy to use and learn on the choice realy is yours i have them all except shaptons which i like the looks of and it is a nice system but a little more money if i brought shaptons i would want the pond gdlp and holder thats why i talked my self out of it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yves View Post


    - At first I wanted to take Norton 4/8 to coticule (Read a lot about it, saw Lynn video and ... I am Belgian living in the US ...)

    2) Should I consider the naniwa which are a little cheaper and lapping plate is 22$ or stick with the Shapton.

    Any suggestion ? Experience ?

    Ether option will work but Somenoe said already if you are new choose norton option.

  8. #8
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    The only disadvantage I can see with using the Nortons is that they need to be soaked (except the 8k). I really don't think you can go wrong with the Norton, Naniwas, or Shaptons and all seem to work well with razors from what I've read. I like the idea of the Shaptons better myself (just purchased a set) because it seems to be a real "system", and that appeals to my OCD side . But admittedly the Shaptons are not cheap, so it depends on your budget. Oh, and I agree that the DGLP (the "Diamond on Glass Lapping Plate") for the Shaptons is not necessary as it would appear that the DMT D8C would work well also. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to have also (ok, so I ordered that too....) but there are MUCH cheaper alternatives.

  9. #9
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    Thanks to all of you for your input. This is very helpful to me. So DGLP is not mandatory, you can buy the more reasonable DMT8C and it works also.

    As I can see
    - 5K/8K/12K naniwas + lapping stone = +- 200$
    - 4K/8K/16K Shapton + Holder + DMT8C = +- 350 $
    - Norton 4/8 + Coticule = +- 230$

    Looks like Lynn and many others seem to like naniwas and I also have read they might be better for beginners. I understand that results are pretty similar (12K naniwas similar to 16K shapton ?).

    I ordered and watched Howard DVD about Shapton. It was interesting although I was a little frustrated that they spent more time shaving and chatting than explaining honing. I wonder if you can use his technique with naniwas. I suppose yes. Shapton system seems very attractive but after reading you all, I probably will stick with Naniwas for now. Can always upgrade later if I get really serious.

    Thanks again to all of you.

  10. #10
    Does the barber shave himself...? PA23-250's Avatar
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    SRD sells the 5,8, & 12k as the Naniwa Value Pack for $174. I think the 220 grit Naniwa lapping stone is ~$22. Or you could get a D8C. Either works.

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