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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    Also keep in mind that while Swaty is a well known name, they are not the only great barber hones out there, and the name can easily drive up the price. Hi_bud_gl started a thread about lots of different barber hones and what they are like, and he's also extremely knowledgable about barber hones. I'd suggest checking that thread and/or shooting him a PM to see if he could recommend a good one.

    Maybe a good Wiki entry would be a few barber hones that are fine and fast cutters so that new guys will have a place to look for suggestions.
    This is absolutely good advice. There a a lot of barber hones that do a great job. Swaty's are well known and are starting to command a premium on e-bay, as are some others. Hi_bud_gl (aka Sham) is the man to see about information. Check the recommended thread.

  2. #12
    v76 is offline
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    You're better off looking for them in antique stores, thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets because most barber hones and particularly swatys are usually way - like 400-600% - overpriced in the "scene". It seems a lot of people like to "flip" them.

  3. #13
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Lol and I use my Escher like a barber hone so if you really feel like dropping some dough... lol.

  4. #14
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
    Lol and I use my Escher like a barber hone so if you really feel like dropping some dough... lol.
    Any finisher can be used like a barber hone; a barber hone is really just a faster than average finisher (well, the ones I used were pretty fast, I assume they must not all be fast). The only real difference is average price (usually a result of name recognition, brand or stone type) and maybe availability.

  5. #15
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    Yeah my Escher is actually a no-name brand vintage Thury I picked up for the bargain price of $40. I've rediscovered it lately and it puts a killer edge on razors up there with the finish I got from an Escher I used at a meet. I think before I just had worse technique but as I get better its really getting there. That said the Swaty is definitely VERY fast and almost as smooth so.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    Any finisher can be used like a barber hone; a barber hone is really just a faster than average finisher (well, the ones I used were pretty fast, I assume they must not all be fast). The only real difference is average price (usually a result of name recognition, brand or stone type) and maybe availability.
    i have to respectfully disagree with this idea. There is a differences between barber hones and final finishing hone escher.japanese.coticule etc. We cannot use barber hones as a finisher. Simple way to explain above is this . Most barber hones advised to make no more then4_6 strokes. Final finishing hones you can make 100 strokes. Another way may be this one easier to understand.edge comes out off from barber hones lastes a lot less then from finisher. Compare days to monthsin order. Hope this helps

  7. #17
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Very few actual barber hones in junk shops and on Ebay in the UK. Those few on Ebay seem to get bid up to 60-70% of new Norton 4K/8K prices.
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