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  1. #1
    Addicted to Razor Porn freyguy's Avatar
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    Question Is this norton set a good deal?

    Water Stone Kit

    Originally I figured I'd leaving honing to the professionals, but I should have known myself better. I'm getting the itch to have a crack at honing, and saw this set online. I already have a barbers hone for touch up work. My question is, would this set be a good starter for someone new to honing, and is it a reasonable price for what the set includes.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Norton starter kit $119 free shipping... and yes it is a great starter set heck it is a great always set...

    This is the set that most of us started with, and honestly you really don't need anything more than it to shave...

    You might want more stuff but ya don't need it

    Here is a true honing hint,,, If you can't get a comfortable shave off a Norton 8k you need more practice honing not more stones

  3. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    freyguy (02-23-2010), JimmyHAD (02-23-2010), Kenrup (02-24-2010), krisbarger (02-27-2010), Otto (02-25-2010)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post Norton starter kit $119 free shipping... and yes it is a great starter set heck it is a great always set...

    This is the set that most of us started with, and honestly you really don't need anything more than it to shave...

    You might want more stuff but ya don't need it

    Here is a true honing hint,,, If you can't get a comfortable shave off a Norton 8k you need more practice honing not more stones
    +1 on every word Glen said.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #4
    Addicted to Razor Porn freyguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post Norton starter kit $119 free shipping... and yes it is a great starter set heck it is a great always set...

    This is the set that most of us started with, and honestly you really don't need anything more than it to shave...

    You might want more stuff but ya don't need it

    Here is a true honing hint,,, If you can't get a comfortable shave off a Norton 8k you need more practice honing not more stones
    Thanks for the advice and the amazon recommendation. I've seen some videos of honing on youtube and SRP where the honemiester is sitting in front of about 30 stones, so it would be easy to assume that one would need the same set up to get a comfortable shave.

    I've managed to work out some of my technique flaws on the barber hone, so I'm hopeful that I could work through any issues with the norton set. I guess time will tell. Now at least I know I can accomplish shave readiness with that set, and wont start buying up stones like crazy.

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Trust me Jimmy and I both have tons of stones he way more than I even... But look what we both say when people ask, the same with just about everyone that has honed for awhile... Most all of us started with the Norton 4/8, a few started with a Coticule and we all learned that way...
    The Shaptons, Naniwas, and some of the other stones are all a much newer addition around here...
    Heck even Eschers and Japanese Naturals were barely heard of by many until way more recently...

    So yes there is a thing called HAD and many of us have it but it is a disease, you don't need all those stones to sharpen razors...

    edit: here is a thread you might want to read too I just updated the "What hone do I need" article there....
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-23-2010 at 06:17 PM.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    This is probably what the master meisters started with. It has a lapping stone plus the grits that everyone uses as a reference - save a fine polisher for the finish, but you have a barbers hone that probably will work for that.

    Have fun with honing your... honing skills

  8. #7
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    Default Norton starter

    That looks like a good deal to me. That is as cheap as I have seen that set.
    Be sure to flatten the stones when you get them. Draw a grid pattern with a pencil on the stones. Soak them in water for 20 min. I like to hold them with the water running between the stone while I rub them together. Finish then up on 320, 400, 600 wet or dry emory paper on glass.

    Add a 12k Chinese water stone to that down the road and you should be good to go for awhile. I got one of those at woodcraft .com for $27 for the big stone. They had 15% off on a single purchase item.

    Balsa hones can also be made for a few bucks each get the balsa at Hobby lobby for 4$ for 3/16x3x36.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Bandman's Avatar
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    Another +1 for what Glen said about getting a good shave off of the Norton 4k/8k. For the last year or so, that's all I've had, and have never had a problem with getting good shaves. I am just now starting to expand my collection of stones, but not because I couldn't get a good shave. I wish I had seen the Amazon set when I bought my Norton, but oh well... It is a great hone, and as others have said, once you get your technique down with the 4k/8k, then you can start playing around with other stuff.

    Happy honing,

  10. #9
    Addicted to Razor Porn freyguy's Avatar
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    Very cool. Thanks for the advice guys.

  11. #10
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    I too was thinking about letting the pros do the sharpening but......

    I bought the Norton set though mine did not have a flattening stone-
    Heck, never heard of one till right now.
    Works fine and will be a lot better when I learn to do it better-

    I need to watch the video again as I think I have my technique a little off
    with where and how I hold the blade.

    I have seen a video where they put black tape on the spine-
    I tried that with a cheap blade I was learning with and I flat
    murdered the tape, came to peices on the edges- that didn't happen in the video for sure.

    I can see how it would had another bevel but not sure of its advantage or need but I'm still trying to learn.

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