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Thread: first hone

  1. #1
    Junior Member bigbassman83's Avatar
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    Default first hone

    I just did my first touch up hone on my razor with a norton 4k/8k, which was lapped nicely btw. I used the pyramid technique found on this website. I came out good, but not great. Just wondering what else I can do finish it for a smoother blade.

  2. #2
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    There are a lot of options. A Barber's Hone can put a really nice edge on a razor. You could go the route of Chromium Oxide on a balsa block or hanging strop. You could use diamond spray on hard felt. Or, you could get some other stones either synthetic or natural.

    If you want to use what you have, you can do more laps on your 8K (10-15 with almost negative pressure, slow, even, smooth, X strokes) letting your water dry during the process. Then strop away (I like 60+ on a cloth component and 60+ on leather after coming off the stones).

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  4. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    even stroke, no pressure, let the water dry out on your last 8k strokes.

  5. #4
    Senior Member dancraig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbassman83 View Post
    I just did my first touch up hone on my razor with a norton 4k/8k, which was lapped nicely btw. I used the pyramid technique found on this website. I came out good, but not great. Just wondering what else I can do finish it for a smoother blade.
    Although you can shave off an 8k, most guys finish/polish on something finer.

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