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  1. #1
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    Question Beginner Hones: DMT vs. Naniwa vs. Norton vs. Shapton

    I'm reading through threads and the Wiki, and the Wiki says: "The Norton 4/8 used to be the recommended hone for beginning straight razor users until the Shapton Glass Stones and the Naniwa Super Stones came along...Naniwa Super Stones really seem made for straight razors...".

    Not sure how old the Wiki is, but I've been reading threads that make the DMT D8EE seem like the holy grail for a newbie. The D8EE doesn't have the problems, or require advanced and confusing techniques, that are sometimes associated with the other stones.

    As a newbie without anyone around to hold my hand and tell me what to do with an advanced set of stones, I need something that won't disappoint nor become frustrating to figure out. I can't even name all the problems that can be associated with certain types of stone (something about burrs, lapping, wire lines, micro chips, slurry, etc) is very overwhelming and keeping me away from straight razors. Sure, there's solutions to the problems...but that's not where I want to start. Also, since I'm a newbie, I don't want to become disappointed shaving straight. Therefore I don't want to sacrifice the performance of the razor for something too easy. I do not know if the DMT 8EE and a strop is all that is needed, or if there's a progression from simple stones to more advanced stones, or whether I would even notice an improvement from other stones.

    Is starting out with the DMT 8EE the recommended way to start out?

    What else is needed? What kind of strop, paddle, leather, wool, paste, etc? I ready something about a chromium oxide on a leather strop, but not sure if it should be a belt or paddle. Not sure if linen, wool, or something else?

    Why would someone consider Naniwa or Shapton over DMT 8EE...or why Norton 4k/8k over 8EE?


  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Personally, I have not used the DMT's aside from lapping, I have limited experience with Nortons, none with Shaptons, and a fair bit with Naniwas. I think that all will probably get you to the same place, but I prefer the Naniwas over others I have tried because I love the way they feel and they cut quickly without cutting deeply. The Nortons are, IMO, a bit more aggressive and they feel gritty to me.

    I cannot recommend Naniwas over the DMT's because I've not used the DMT's, but I can say I love my Naniwas and have no problem recommending them to anyone and everyone.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The DMTs seem like the easier way because you don't have to lap them. Some guys have them and like them. I have them and use them once in awhile on specific razors for a specific purpose. For all around honing I personally prefer the naniwas, nortons and shaptons in that order of preference.

    This honing thing is very individual and as holli4 said, all of them will get you to the same place but you might like the way one works for you better than another. I think a norton set with a DMT D8C to lap them is still a great way to start and all you'll ever really need unless the swarf gets in your blood and you get the HAD.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    just call straight razor designs 1-330-598-1414 they are great to talk to and will spend the time to put you into a set of hones to fit your needs with out selling you extra stones you dont need.

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