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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Samuel, I'm assuming that neither has a small label on the end with the color designated ? I have a 'Barber's Delight', same box and the stone is end labeled yellow green. I have a 'Barber's Choice' in a box and the end label on that stone reads light green. Finally I have a Blue Green with end label in another type box. It seems, IME anyhow, that there is a relationship between the color of the bottom part of the box and the color of the stone.

    My Blue/green is in a medium blue box while I have seen dark blue Eschers in darker blue boxes. My light green is in a box with the bottom portion a light green and my barber's choice yellow/green has a yellowish look to the bottom of the box. The top is identical to yours.

    As far as the stones, they are all a gray color with nuances between them. It takes a trained and experienced eye to recognize one color from the other if there is no end label. The exception is the dark blue, it being much darker than it's cousins. The good news is they are all great finishers so it really doesn't matter which you have. If you want to double your money shoot me a PM.
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  3. #12
    JMS is offline
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    Just to give you an idea of what a lucky dog you are Samuel, I purchased 2 eschers some 20 years ago or so now. I spent 15 dollars on one and 20 on the other. About a year ago I sold one to a member here for about 225 dollars. bought it back from him a couple of months later and am certain that I can fetch 300 plus now if I were to sell them.

    You lucky bastard you.

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  5. #13
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    I think hes just rubbing the stones in our faces, to see how fine a polish he can put on us!
    lucky lucky bastard....

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  7. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Samuel, I'm assuming that neither has a small label on the end with the color designated ? I have a 'Barber's Delight', same box and the stone is end labeled yellow green. I have a 'Barber's Choice' in a box and the end label on that stone reads light green. Finally I have a Blue Green with end label in another type box. It seems, IME anyhow, that there is a relationship between the color of the bottom part of ...
    Unfortunately neither have a label. The smaller one appears light green. The Barber's Delight-well its light grey...maybe yellowish?

    I'm glad to know I've found some keepers.
    Thanks JMS for the scope of my find!
    Last edited by Samuel; 04-18-2010 at 08:40 AM.

  8. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Samuel, if you would like one more check out Item number:120555751943 on ebay here. it is ending tonight. Not mine BTW, I only point it out to give you an idea of why the previous posters were so enthusiastic about your find.
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    Default But why so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Samuel, if you would like one more check out Item number:120555751943 on ebay here. it is ending tonight. Not mine BTW, I only point it out to give you an idea of why the previous posters were so enthusiastic about your find.
    I was watching that too. I see another one, possibly older than mine has popped up for almost 600 dollars now.

    Forgive my ignorance: but why are these so sought after: antiquity, nastalgia, quality? To me it would seem that similar stones can be bought for a more reasonable price.

  10. #17
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samuel View Post
    Forgive my ignorance: but why are these so sought after: antiquity, nastalgia, quality? To me it would seem that similar stones can be bought for a more reasonable price.
    The heart wants what the heart wants.

    Basically, these are great stones and as more and more people get back into this hobby there are more people wanting these stones that have such a great reputation. This increased demand leads to an increase in people's willingness to bid higher. It's basic limited supply and high demand. I think I own 6 Eschers and I'm pretty sure that I will never ever buy another one on ebay! The way you found yours the way you did is the way we now all want to find these treasures. Sure they are great "investments," but that only applies if we are willing to conceive of the possibility of selling them. Unfortunately, some of us would rather sell organs first!

  11. #18
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    Okay, that makes sense to me. Thanks Utopian.

  12. #19
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    JESUS, I have been trying to get an escher at a decent price (meaning around 150) and here we have this gentleman buying them at 5 dollars a piece...

  13. #20
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I bought a nice boxed Thuringian a little over a year ago for 122.50$ and thought I had gotten it at half it's value, I was overjoyed!

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