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  1. #1
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    Default Lapping Naniwa with a DMT

    Is it do-able to lap Naniwa 5K, 8K, and 12K SuperStones with the DMT 600 instead of the DMT 325?
    My thinking is that the 325 DMT would only be useful to me for lapping the hones, whereas the 600 DMT would be a bit more useful for beginning to bring back a razor in bad condition, and lapping the Naniwas..

    Pros and Cons???

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    According to Dia Sharp, the makers of the DMTs, lapping with anything finer than a 325 is going to ruin the diamond plate. The waterstones, or whatever, will strip the nickel away that the diamonds are embedded in and you'll have a paperweight. The 325 or the 120 under running water is the trick.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    The 600(a long narrow one) fills a spot for me that nothing else would. where a water stone of similar(slightly coarser) grit is too soft malleable, when i want a quick coarse arm hair shaving sharp, probably soon to be ruined and resharpened

    I lap with 400; as 600 is not all that far away finer, you may be ok; but it is that much closer to too fine, say 1000, or 1200.

    I get the sense you'd rather not get too much more gear, in the long run I think esp. for razors you would be better served with 325-400 grit lap and include a 1k waterstone-which is quite a bit different than 600 dmt in practice-better for razors.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    BTW, I bought a 600 with the same idea and was going to go through a lapping progression of 325, 600, and 1200 DMT. I did a bit of lapping with all three. Right around that time hi_bud_gl ruined a 1200 plate lapping stones. He posted about his experience and saved me from ruining mine.

    He sent his back to the factory and they said that the best bet for lapping was the X or the XX but that the C (325) was doable but always with water trickling to wash away the buildup of swarf/slurry. I do like the 600 for some bevel issues on razors and for knife sharpening. BTW, the XX is bad to the bone for lapping. Sometimes I begin with that and when most of the pencil grid is gone go to the 325 to get the rest. Saves wear on my 325 and speeds up the process.
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  8. #5
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    I killed my 1200 the same way as Sham. I'd stick with the recommended grit. I can see where you're coming from though.

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  10. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    +1 with most of the above, and I was just thinking of how the DMT 325 reacts with the Naniwa's unless you are lapping under running water, they almost stick together from the swarf build up.. I can't imagine lapping those stones with anything finer...

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    BlacknTan (05-01-2010)

  12. #7
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    Thanks everyone for the good advice.

    It seems as if the DMT 220 is the way to go for keeping the Naniwas in shape. Kinda' lucky I asked because the 325 was the way I was going to go!
    Kevin... Yes, I'm trying to keep gear to a minimum for the moment, because there was so much I needed to go into straight shaving the way I wanted to do it. I'm sure in short order I'll have more and more stones and hones than I really need in actuality, in keeping with all the other associated equipment. I always shaved with a blade, either injector or DE, but it's remarkable all the money I've saved since looking at shaving as a pleasurable experience instead of a chore to make myself look presentable!

    So, a DMT 220 is what it is... and thanks again to all for the good advice!

  13. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Could you let us know how the 220 works out???
    I have the 120 for Barbers hones and naturals
    and the 325 for all else but was wondering how smooth the 220 lapped...

  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Could you let us know how the 220 works out???
    I have the 120 for Barbers hones and naturals
    and the 325 for all else but was wondering how smooth the 220 lapped...
    I'll do the best I can, Glen... But please remember that my observations may be highly suspect. I'm just taking baby steps in what I hope will become a long journey...

    But I will post my thoughts and do my best to answer questions.

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  16. #10
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I lap all my Naniwas (1,3,5,8,10 & 12k) with the DMT 325, so far with success. I haven't had the 325 for a great period of time, so can't comment on whether things will continue to be peachy for an extended period !

    Have fun !

    Best regards


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