Quote Originally Posted by ignatz View Post
I think that most everybody who visits this web site will find the following two books to be very interesting.

The first is "The Art of Honing a Razor". It dates from 1884 and is a short and concise three to four pages of information.

The art of honing a razor. The art of shaving

The second book, dating from 1895, will probably be much more of interest. Entitled, "Essay on Barber's Razors, Razor Hones, Razor Strops and Razor Honing", it is a much more complete and scholarly work. Of particular interest will be the section devoted to the (then) preparation of linen and leather strops for use. I was quite fascinated to learn that strops have also been made of such diverse leathers as Sharkskin, Moose and Kangaroo.

Essay on barbers' razors, razor hones, razor strops and razor honing ..


- Ignatz
Thank you Ignatz, Now I can pretend I am working when I'm actually reading somthing fun..and useful too.