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Thread: Old Books on Razors and Honing

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  1. #1
    Senior Member ignatz's Avatar
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    Default Old Books on Razors and Honing

    I think that most everybody who visits this web site will find the following two books to be very interesting.

    The first is "The Art of Honing a Razor". It dates from 1884 and is a short and concise three to four pages of information.

    The art of honing a razor. The art of shaving

    The second book, dating from 1895, will probably be much more of interest. Entitled, "Essay on Barber's Razors, Razor Hones, Razor Strops and Razor Honing", it is a much more complete and scholarly work. Of particular interest will be the section devoted to the (then) preparation of linen and leather strops for use. I was quite fascinated to learn that strops have also been made of such diverse leathers as Sharkskin, Moose and Kangaroo.

    Essay on barbers' razors, razor hones, razor strops and razor honing ..


    - Ignatz
    LouG likes this.

  2. The Following 28 Users Say Thank You to ignatz For This Useful Post:

    adrspach (05-03-2010), AlanII (05-02-2010), altshaver (07-30-2010), BigIan (05-05-2010), Bluesman (05-05-2010), ChrisL (05-05-2010), Croaker (05-03-2010), currentman (05-03-2010), Disburden (05-02-2010), DwarvenChef (05-02-2010), FatboySlim (05-04-2010), FTG (05-03-2010), gssixgun (05-02-2010), Hawkeye5 (05-04-2010), HNSB (05-03-2010), JimmyHAD (05-02-2010), joke1176 (05-06-2010), Lynn (05-02-2010), manah (05-05-2010), MichaelC (05-04-2010), MisterA (05-02-2010), Neil Miller (05-05-2010), Otto (05-05-2010), randydance062449 (05-05-2010), Ripvanpit (03-19-2013), Terje K (05-02-2010), Troggie (05-03-2010), ursus (05-06-2010)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Ignatz, long time no see, if I could thank you twice I would. One for each book. In the first book the author recommends wedges over full hollows and in the second just the opposite. The second pamphlet describing the hones just knocks me out. Sperm oil on a coticule ! Note the author says the Swaty has a coarse and a fine side and 30 to 40 strokes on the coarse side and 20 to 30 to finish on the fine side !.Really a trip to see someone from 1893 reviewing razors and hones along with their use.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Some very interesting thoughts in those Thank You for posting

  5. #4
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    There are many important honing tricks hidden in there, described so well.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I liked his giving stroke numbers. Also going from bevel setting on up. Interesting that he said if a razor was 'tired' with one hone try another. His saying that some razors respond better to oil stones and others waterstones depending on temper. Also recommending slurry on German hones diluting toward the finish. Great stuff. I will put a lot of miles on that little book.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  7. #6
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Excellent links. Many thanks.

  8. #7
    Senior Member ignatz's Avatar
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    Hey, Everyone;

    I'm really glad you found this post to be useful. I was just sort of browsing around on the net when I came upon these. I'll keep my eye open for other 'lost' works out there. In the meantime, it might be useful if someone would add these links into the WIKI area so that all the SRP members can take advantage of them.

    - Ignatz

  9. #8
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    Excellent reading thank you.

  10. #9
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ignatz View Post
    I think that most everybody who visits this web site will find the following two books to be very interesting.

    The first is "The Art of Honing a Razor". It dates from 1884 and is a short and concise three to four pages of information.

    The art of honing a razor. The art of shaving

    The second book, dating from 1895, will probably be much more of interest. Entitled, "Essay on Barber's Razors, Razor Hones, Razor Strops and Razor Honing", it is a much more complete and scholarly work. Of particular interest will be the section devoted to the (then) preparation of linen and leather strops for use. I was quite fascinated to learn that strops have also been made of such diverse leathers as Sharkskin, Moose and Kangaroo.

    Essay on barbers' razors, razor hones, razor strops and razor honing ..


    - Ignatz
    Thank you Ignatz, Now I can pretend I am working when I'm actually reading somthing fun..and useful too.

  11. #10
    Member prestonmcconkie's Avatar
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    Thanks so much. These are really useful and such a pleasure to read. I have an especial fondness for old advertisements. They give information you usually can't find from other sources.

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