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Thread: Ultra fine Thuringian stone selling site

  1. #1
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    Default Ultra fine Thuringian stone selling site

    I contacted mr Mueller who sells Thuringian stones. He said he would
    not sell directly, but did give me a site which sells his stones:

    Wetzsteine Schleifsteine Onlineshop - Wasserabziehsteine,Naturschleifstein,Wasserstein,W asserschleifstein,Rasiermesserschleifstein

    The stones are sold in these sizes:

    -150/50/20mm - 19.50Euro
    -200/50/20mm - 24.50 Euro
    -250/75/20mm - 35.90 Euro

    Prices seem reasonable for those sizes. You also get a slurry stone.
    The wooden box is optional for 5 euro I think.

    The stones are supposedly 2500 FEPA grit or 8000 JIS grit. I am not
    sure what grit that exactly is, but I am guessing 10000+.

    The stones are called ´´Ultra feiner blauer Nauter-Wasserabziehstein´'
    meaning ultra fine blue natural waterstone.

    Anybody have experience with these stones?


  2. #2
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    my experience with the new Thuringians is they are not so fine, one of the two I have is pretty decent, but the other one is not.
    I got them from other stores, and they are not uniform in color.
    I can't tell if the color of what you posted is uniform or not, if you decide to try it let us know if it's good.

  3. #3
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharpMan View Post
    I contacted mr Mueller who sells Thuringian stones. He said he would
    not sell directly, but did give me a site which sells his stones:

    Wetzsteine Schleifsteine Onlineshop - Wasserabziehsteine,Naturschleifstein,Wasserstein,W asserschleifstein,Rasiermesserschleifstein

    The stones are sold in these sizes:

    -150/50/20mm - 19.50Euro
    -200/50/20mm - 24.50 Euro
    -250/75/20mm - 35.90 Euro

    Prices seem reasonable for those sizes. You also get a slurry stone.
    The wooden box is optional for 5 euro I think.

    The stones are supposedly 2500 FEPA grit or 8000 JIS grit. I am not
    sure what grit that exactly is, but I am guessing 10000+.

    The stones are called ´´Ultra feiner blauer Nauter-Wasserabziehstein´'
    meaning ultra fine blue natural waterstone.

    Anybody have experience with these stones?


    JIS 8000 means he is telling us it is about 8000 grit.

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  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just looking at the pictures and thinking of the one I have for about 6 years now it looks very different.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Crowley View Post
    JIS 8000 means he is telling us it is about 8000 grit.
    Oh ok, lol. I wouldn´t call 8000 grit ultra fine.

    I thought 2500 FEPA would be something like 10000 grit.


  7. #6
    Unique. Like all of you. Oldengaerde's Avatar
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    On that site these stones are correctly referred to as "Thüringer Art" or 'Thuringian style' - they aren't Thuringians at all. In all likelyhood these are Hunsrückers, from an area 350 kilometers to the west from where Eschers were mined. A grit rating of 8000 sounds about right.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Oldengaerde For This Useful Post:

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  9. #7
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    This makes a lot of sense, the stones don't even look like the vintage ones. The slurry isn't as creamy either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldengaerde View Post
    On that site these stones are correctly referred to as "Thüringer Art" or 'Thuringian style' - they aren't Thuringians at all. In all likelyhood these are Hunsrückers, from an area 350 kilometers to the west from where Eschers were mined. A grit rating of 8000 sounds about right.

  10. #8
    Junior Member Stoneage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharpMan View Post
    I contacted mr Mueller who sells Thuringian stones. He said he would
    not sell directly, but did give me a site which sells his stones:

    Wetzsteine Schleifsteine Onlineshop - Wasserabziehsteine,Naturschleifstein,Wasserstein,W asserschleifstein,Rasiermesserschleifstein

    The stones are sold in these sizes:

    -150/50/20mm - 19.50Euro
    -200/50/20mm - 24.50 Euro
    -250/75/20mm - 35.90 Euro

    Prices seem reasonable for those sizes. You also get a slurry stone.
    The wooden box is optional for 5 euro I think.

    The stones are supposedly 2500 FEPA grit or 8000 JIS grit. I am not
    sure what grit that exactly is, but I am guessing 10000+.

    The stones are called ´´Ultra feiner blauer Nauter-Wasserabziehstein´'
    meaning ultra fine blue natural waterstone.

    Anybody have experience with these stones?

    I have that stone...and many others

    It's the biggest one in the enclosed picture. I often use it after the Nani 10 000 and I really like the "crispy" edge that this hone leaves on my razors. I have a dark thick and coarse beard... so I think it's a cheap and good finisher...BUT many of them have a lot of pyrite inclusions, so be sure that you get a nice "clean" one.

    if you like to buy one of these I can recomend you to contact Herr Baumgärtner, at you can send an e-mail directly to him at: h[email protected] he speaks only german, but you can use google to translate...but keep your sentences very short....otherwise you'll get a very funny german language

    Kind regards,

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  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Stoneage For This Useful Post:

    Rotavator (12-17-2010), wai (11-09-2011)

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoneage View Post
    I have that stone...and many others

    It's the biggest one in the enclosed picture. I often use it after the Nani 10 000 and I really like the "crispy" edge that this hone leaves on my razors. I have a dark thick and coarse beard... so I think it's a cheap and good finisher...BUT many of them have a lot of pyrite inclusions, so be sure that you get a nice "clean" one.

    if you like to buy one of these I can recomend you to contact Herr Baumgärtner, at you can send an e-mail directly to him at: h[email protected] he speaks only german, but you can use google to translate...but keep your sentences very short....otherwise you'll get a very funny german language

    Kind regards,

    Hi Andreas,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I live in the Netherlands and you know that Dutch people always
    know a little German.

    Interesting that you write about using the stone after Naniwa
    10000 SS. Could you tell me how the hone feels? Hard,soft, smooth

    Thank you in advance.


  13. #10
    Junior Member Stoneage's Avatar
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    The hone feels quite smooth but the feed back is not as good as a coticule or a Nani 12 000. It's ok anyway...

    Mine needed to be lapped, but because is soft it took max 5 minutes to do that. I used Norton 320 grit wetpaper on a glas plate.

    It produces slurry quite fast but I've used it only with water as a finishing stone so I don't know how it behaves with slurry.

    I tried it after both the 8000 and the 10000 Naniwa...the edge was better after the 10000, sharper and smoother.

    Anyway I like the edges coming from this hone

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